Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hillary's floundering

"Her wandering and unclear answer to a question about driver's licenses for illegal immigrants -- she never made clear whether she supports or opposes New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer's plan to give the licenses -- opened the door for critics to paint her as cautious and calculating."

This was Reuters report on Hillary being caught floundering on a question regarding Gov. Spitzer's plan to give drivers' licenses to illegal aliens.

What she actually said was that "it certainly makes sense." To me that sounds like she supports Gov. Spitzer's plan. Later she denied she said it.

If she can't make up her mind on drivers' licenses what is she going to do when we are threatened with a real attack by Islamo-Fascist terrorists? We may not have time for her to check with her political "spin doctors." She may not be able to find Bill if he is out with another intern "not having sex with that woman."

She says she is going to end the war in Iraq, then she says she will keep troops in Iraq. What is her position today, and more importantly what will her position be tomorrow and the next day and the next? It all depends on what the polls are showing the people want to hear!

Why doesn't the main stream media report on this floundering on issues?

Once again, I urge...

Don't re-elect incumbents!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Have You Hugged An Islamo-Fascist Today?

by Ann Coulter Posted: 10/24/2007

College liberals are in a fit of pique because various speakers are coming to their campuses this week as part of David Horowitz's Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week -- not to be confused with Islamo-Fascism Appreciation Week, which I believe is in April.

To read the full article click here.

It is really an interesting article, but might not be to "liberals."

In my own mind it confirms an earlier post of where I stated that we are not in a "War on Terror"... we are in a "War on Islamo-Fascist Terrorists." It's just too bad that the Bush Administration and Congress won't acknowledge the fact. After all it isn't "politically correct."

One more reason I keep insisting...

Don't re-elect incumbents!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Treatment for Cancer Survivors

Tonight on ABC World News there was a report that doctors are discovering that cancer survivors need medical treatment beyond the obvious chemotherapy, tumors, loss of hair, etc. Most cancer survivors need psychological treatment as well. The report stated that of the 20 largest cancer treatment centers only 8 regularly require psychological treatment before, during and after standard treatment.

While going through my treatments leading up to and following my stem cell transplants I was fortunate to be in a program that provided psychological treatment for me and my wife. I was also fortunate that my counselor and I "meshed" quickly. By the way, a "cancer survivor" is any person who has been diagnosed with cancer and is still alive. It has nothing to do with being cured or in remission. That is one of the things I learned during counseling.

One of the things that bothered me the most once I was diagnosed was that so many of my close friends seem to abandon me. Of course, they didn't but in a state of "sickness" it was easy to convince myself of it. I actually found that I had a lot more friends than I ever knew. I got cards and emails from people I never dreamed cared for me. I found out that the world has a lot of wonderful people that care.

One of the most pleasing and comforting aspects was the number of people who said they were praying for me. Individual and churches all over the country were praying and there were many days that that knowledge was a tremendous comfort to my sometimes days of "aloneness," even when I was surrounded by family.

"Jesus answered them, “Do you now believe? Indeed the hour is coming, yes, has now come, that you will be scattered, each to his own, and will leave Me alone. And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me. These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”" John 16:31-33 (New King James Version) {emphasis added}

Why I Support Mike Huckabee for President - Part 3

  • My number one priority is to secure America's border.
  • We have to know who is coming into our country, where they are going, and why they are here. We need a fence along our border with Mexico, electronic in some places, and more highly-trained border agents.
  • Those who are caught trying to enter illegally must be detained, processed, and deported.
  • Illegal immigrants already living among us who commit crimes must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and incarcerated or deported.

I opposed the amnesty bill that was defeated by the Senate in June. I support the $3 billion that Congress recently appropriated for border security. These funds will be used to train and deploy 23,000 more agents, add four drone airplanes, build 700 miles of fence and 300 miles of vehicle barriers, and erect 105 radar and camera towers. They will be used to end "catch and release" by providing money to "catch and detain" those caught entering illegally and to crack down on those who enter legally, but overstay their visas. These border security provisions will stem the tide of illegals, which is what we must do before we can turn the tide and deal with those who are already here. Before you fix the damage in your house caused by a leaking roof, you stop the leak, which is what this legislation will do.

My number one priority is to have a secure border. Right now, we have too many people entering the country illegally, and this must stop. We can't turn the tide until we stem the tide. We need to know who is coming into our country, where they are going, and why they are here. We need to create a process to allow people to come here to do the jobs - plucking chickens, tarring roofs, picking fruits - that are going unfilled by our citizens. They must have a tamper-proof, scannable I. D. with a finger or retinal scan, so that their employers know they belong here.

Besides stopping terrorists, we must weed out those with a criminal background or a communicable disease. We have to build a fence along our border with Mexico, parts of which will be electronic. We need more well-trained border agents and cooperation agreements with local and state law enforcement officials, so that we have a clear and consistent approach by all jurisdictions.

Those who are caught trying to enter illegally must be detained, processed, and deported. Illegal immigrants who are already living among us and commit crimes must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and incarcerated or deported.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Three Kinds of Faith

"The testing of your faith produces patience." James 1:3

"Dwight L. Moody was fond of pointing out that there are three kinds of faith in Jesus Christ: struggling faith, which is like a man floundering and fearful in deep water; clinging faith, which is like a man hanging to the side of a boat; and resting faith, which finds a man safe inside the boat - strong and secure enough to reach out his hand to help someone else." From Hope for Each Day; Words of Wisdom and Faith by Billy Graham, October 24.

This really hit home with me. I have been in all three positions and all three positions multiple times. I think there is a finality to the position when you are diagnosed with cancer. For me, I quickly went from struggling to clinging to resting and this time, I think (and pray) I am in resting faith permanently.

I am certainly more aware of the presence of God with me and depend on him for more comfort and guidance in my meager little life. I pray that if you are struggling or clinging, you, too, will find resting faith. It doesn't have to be elusive if you will just accept that Jesus loves you and was crucified for your sins.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Blogs to Check out

Several months ago I somehow stumbled onto a blog that has become part of my daily life to check and read if there are new posts. The blog is "Words from the Eudoxus" written by Hal Weber. Hal is a busy young man in college with a wife and extremely involved in his church. To me, he has proven himself as a very insightful young man with a tremendously strong faith. He is excellent at sharing his faith through his blog and probably in person, also.

Through Hal's blog I have discovered numerous other exciting and insightful blogs written by friends of his. One of his referred blogs on "My Blogroll" that I checked out today is Steven Furtick and Elevation Church in Charlotte, NC.

Steven Furtick is the 27 y/o Lead Pastor of Elevation Church. He is one of the most dynamic preachers I have ever heard. You can watch and listen to him at the Elevation Church web site. While you are visiting Pastor Furtick's blog read his bio and the beginnings of the church. This man is doing exactly what the Lord led him to do!

When you have a few minutes check out the Elevation Church web site and listen to Pastor Furtick. You won't be able to listen to just a few minutes, you'll have to listen to the entire sermon.

While you are visiting Words from the Eudoxus, Steven Furtick and Elevation Church check out some of their referrals to other blogs. There are some pretty powerful referrals at each site.

Randy Pausch

The Final Lecture:

Randy's advice to his little girl when she is ready to date:
"Ignore what the boys say, just watch what they do."
Reilee, that is good advice for you, too. And, always remember that Papa loves you and you will always be his "little Princess."

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Pelosi's judgment questioned over Armenia issue

I told you so several week ago...

Several posts ago I said that Pelosi and the Democrats would regret it if this resolution passed. Well, I guess I was wrong. The resolution didn't even get to the floor and they already regret it.

Queen Pelosi should have known this resolution would anger the Turks thus putting our troops in danger. If she didn't know this, then she is not intelligent enough to be in Congress representing anyone. If she did know, then she is a traitor for putting our troops in harm's way. She should be treated as any other traitor in this country.


Sun Oct 21, 2007 8:50am EDT

By Susan Cornwell

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Nancy Pelosi's pledge of a new direction took a detour when she fumbled an Armenian genocide resolution and raised questions about her leadership as the highest ranking member of the U.S. Congress.

Pelosi, 67, speaker of the House of Representatives and next in line to the presidency after the vice president, swore she would push the controversial resolution to a vote, then blinked when some fellow Democrats withdrew their support in the face of furious reaction from Turkey.

President George W. Bush warned the symbolic resolution to affirm the 1915 massacre of Armenians by Ottoman Turks as genocide would harm Washington's relations with Ankara. But as long as it looked like it would pass, Pelosi stuck to her guns.

When Democratic support started waning last week amid protests from NATO ally Turkey -- which denounced the measure as "insulting" and hinted at halting logistical support for the U.S. war effort in Iraq -- Pelosi wavered.

Critics say she miscalculated.
{To read the full article click here.}

© Reuters2007All rights reserved

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Putin, again

CNN, this afternoon, is reporting that Russian President Putin is calling for the United States to set a deadline for withdrawal from Iraq.

This is probably a good idea. However, the US should be calling for Russia to withdraw its scientists, equipment, nuclear materials and weapons from Iran. In addition, the US should be calling for Russia to not complete their $1 billion sale of weapons to Iran.

Russian relations and activities with Iran are a threat to the entire world, especially Israel and the United States. Mr. Putin should be looking in his own back yard before criticizing our policies pertaining to Iraq. This may be more rhetoric from Putin in response to Bush's comments yesterday about world war, but it's time for the two Presidents to sit down and talk to each other directly instead of making public comments that can be construed numerous ways. Rhetoric solves nothing and certainly doesn't bring people with opposing opinions or views together.

Both need our prayers!

War of Gog and Magog

Are the events of the past few days/weeks/months a sign Gog and Magog are upon us? Was President Bush's reference yesterday during his news conference referring to World War III related to "wars and rumors of wars"?

From Joel Rosenberg's latest blog, he writes: "The Bible offers an intriguing clue to what could be happening. In Ezekiel 38-39, the Hebrew Prophet Ezekiel foretold a Russian-Iranian alliance that would form with a group of other North African, Middle Eastern, and Central Asian states in what the Bible calls "the last days." For most of the past 2,500 years since the prophecy was written, this had never happened. But it seems to be happening now."

I believe Putin is on his way to becoming the "new tsar" of Russia. He recently appointed a "crony" to become the next Prime Minister. It is widely believed that he is Putin's chosen successor to the Presidency. Putin has stated that at the end of his term as President he will become Prime Minister. Of course, he is planning on the current Prime Minister to be elected President.

Under the Russian constitution if the President does not complete his term the Prime Minister automatically moves up to President. This would allow Putin to become President again, legally.

In addition to Putin becoming the "new tsar," I believe that Ahmadinejad is the new "Hitler." Just as Hitler did he has sworn the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people by wiping them "off the face" of the map. He has stated this many times.

Rosenberg further states: "One curious development worth noting: Ezekiel 36 and 37 have already come true in our lifetime. These are the famous prophecies that say that in the end times, Israel will be reborn as a nation, Jews will pour back into the Holy Land after centuries of exile, they will make the deserts bloom, they will rebuild the ancient ruins, and have an "exceedingly great army." Since these dramatic events have already happened, it begs the question: Could Ezekiel 38-39 -- what Bible scholars call the "War of Gog and Magog" -- also come true in our lifetime? This remains to be seen. But current events are raising lots of intriguing questions."

Although none of us knows when these events will happen it is sure making me wonder!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

"Wars and Rumors of Wars?"

Putin Warns Against Attacks on Iran


The Associated Press
Tuesday, October 16, 2007; 7:48 PM

TEHRAN, Iran -- Vladimir Putin issued a veiled warning Tuesday against any attack on Iran as he began the first visit by a Kremlin leader to Tehran in six decades _ a mission reflecting Russian-Iranian efforts to curb U.S. influence.

He also suggested Moscow and Tehran should have a veto on Western plans for new pipelines to carry oil and natural gas from the Caspian Sea, using routes that would bypass Russian soil and break the Kremlin's monopoly on energy deliveries from the region.

Putin came to Tehran for a summit of the five nations bordering the Caspian, but his visit was aimed more at strengthening efforts to blunt U.S. economic and military ties in the area. Yet he also refused to set a date for completing Iran's first nuclear reactor, trying to avoid an outright show of support for Iran's defiance over its nuclear program.

Putin strongly warned outside powers against use of force in the region, a clear reference to the United States, which many in Iran fear will attack over the West's suspicions that the Iranians are secretly trying to develop nuclear weapons.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made similar comments.

"We are saying that no (Caspian) nations should offer their territory to outside powers for aggression or any military action against any of the Caspian states," Putin said.

The five national leaders at the summit later signed a declaration that included a similar statement _ an apparent reflection of Iranian fears that the United States could use Azerbaijan's territory as a staging ground for military strikes in Iran.

Putin has warned against such attacks previously, but reiterating them in Tehran gave them greater resonance _ particularly at a summit for a region where Moscow deeply resents U.S. and European attempts at greater influence.

The Russian leader also used the occasion to make a nod to Iran's national pride _ describing it as a "world power" and referring to the might of the ancient Persian empire.

In Iran's confrontation with the West, Russia has tread a fine line, warning against heavy pressure on Iran and protecting it _ for now _ from a third round of U.N. sanctions, while urging Tehran to heed the Security Council's demand that it halt uranium enrichment.

Putin's careful stance on completing the Russian-built Bushehr nuclear power plant in Iran suggested the Kremlin is seeking to preserve solid ties with Tehran without angering the West.

"Russia is trying to sit in two chairs at the same time," Fyodor Lukyanov, editor of Russia in Global Affairs magazine, told The Associated Press. A pledge to quickly complete the plant would send a "strong signal to the West that Russia is with Iran," he said.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Christians United for Israel (CUFI)

It is quite obvious from many of my posts that I am a supporter of Israel. Also, I am not very literate at writing about my beliefs toward Israel so I use information I obtain from others in the movement that I respect and believe. Pastor Hagee is one of those people. He is the founder of Christians United for Israel and I think one of the most educated Christian gentiles pertaining to Israel. If you ever have the opportunity to hear him speak in person you should make the time and travel the distance to hear him. You will walk away understanding God's commitment to Israel and why we gentiles are called to support and defend.

Pastor Hagee on Glenn Beck's Radio Program on October 9, 2007

Pastor Hagee: History is repeating itself. We are, in fact, reliving 1938. Iran is Germany. Ahmadinejad is Hitler. When Hitler was talking about killing the Jews, no one was listening, and especially the Christians of Europe were strangely silent, the Christians of the world were strangely silent.
Here we are in the 21st century. We have another Hitler. He has the ability, he has the power, he has the motive. He wants to put together nuclear weapons to have a nuclear Holocaust in Israel, and this time we have organized a national organization called Christians United for Israel for the purpose of standing up and speaking for Israel and the Jewish people.

We're not going to do this two times in a row. We are not going to have another Holocaust, not on our watch. There are millions of Christians in this country who are ready to scream on any given day that Israel is threatened and in a serious way. To continue reading this article click here.

Jews are weeping

The world watched silently as sobbing Jews were dragged from their homes, schools and even more disturbing, their synagogues simply because they were Jews.

The contrasts were vivid: Terrified children, with no understanding of the upheaval in their lives, clinging to distraught parents. Elderly Jews shuffling toward an unknown future...facing certain death at the hands of the enemy.

Now, the Quartet is issuing demands for even more concessions on Israel’s part, more upheavals, more land for peace, a tactic that has yet to work in Israel’s favor, and stop the terrorists’ attacks. Have we not learned anything from the years of demanding that Israel sacrifice every more of their tiny land mass to appease the terrorists that surround them?

Weeping men tear their garments in anguish as a Jewish ritual of mourning. Rabbis clutch their prayer shawls and pray for a miracle. Many professing Christians stand silently by, heads turned away, eyes and ears closed to the tragedy that is about to unfold before them.

The pictures are endless, the pain unendurable, the loss faced by those who will be uprooted incalculable, the scars permanent.

A picture of King David in II Samuel 15:30 is especially poignant today: “David walked up the road that led to the Mount of Olives, weeping as he went. His head was covered and his feet were bare as a sign of mourning. And the people who were with him covered their heads and wept as they climbed the mountain.” (II Samuel 15:30)

“I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curses thee.” (Genesis 12:3)

Please bless the Jewish people today.

Thank you,

Michael D. Evans

Today’s breaking news:

Where’s the Outrage? By Mike Evans

Join the Jerusalem Prayer Team Now!

House "genocide" Resolution

Queen Pelosi is at it again! If she can't defeat the Bush Administration forcing them to pull troops out of Iraq she is going to alienate our allies. She is starting with Turkey by pushing a House "genocide" resolution condemning a World War I act that the Turks were involved with.

Turkey has said that if this resolution is passed it will damage US-Turkey relations irreparably. World War I was almost 100 years ago! Has Pelosi and the Democrats ever heard of forgiveness? Maybe Pelosi should consult with her priest, bishop or the Pope... I have no doubt they could explain forgiveness!

Pelosi claims that this resolution is necessary for the remaining veterans of World War I. I, personally, don't know any WWI veterans but I find it hard to believe that they "need" this resolution. I believe that after 100 years they have forgiven our WWI enemies.

Why is she doing this? It is very easy to see through this effort with very little research. Seventy (70%) percent of our troops supplies in Iraq pass through or over Turkey. If she can alienate Turkey then how will we get supplies to our troops.

I see this as another Democratic tactic to stab our troops in the back in the name of forcing President Bush's hand. Pelosi is leading the House Democrats down an unpatriotic road and will regret their actions before it is over with.

This is just one more reason I keep saying...

Don't re-elect incumbents!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Three Things to Think About

1. The Cows

2. The Constitution

3. The Ten Commandments

On Cows:

Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that our government can track a cow born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall where she sleeps in the state of Washington? And, they tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 11-20 million illegal aliens wandering around our country. Maybe we should give them all a cow.

On the Constitution:

They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq, why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of real ly smart guys, it's worked for over 200 years and we're not using it anymore.

On the Ten Commandments:

The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments in a court-house is ... You cannot post 'Thou Shalt Not Steal,' 'Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery', and 'Thou Shall Not Lie' in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians -- it creates a hostile work environment.

Who said it?

Be afraid.  Be very afraid of some history.  Answer all questions before looking at answers.

1.) "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
A.  Karl Marx
B.  Adolph Hitler
C.  Joseph Stalin
D.  None of the above

2.) "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few, and to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity."
A.  Lenin
B.  Mussolini
C.  Idi Amin
D.  None of the above

3.) "We can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people."
A.  Nikita Khrushev
B.  Josef Goebbels
C.  Boris Yeltsin
D.  None of the above

4.) "We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own in order to create this common ground."
A.  Mao Tse Dung
B.  Hugo Chavez
C.  Kim Jong Il
D.  None of the above

5.) "I certainly think the free-market has failed."
A.  Karl Marx
B.  Lenin
C.  Molotov
D.  None of the above

6.) "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in the entire economy that they are being watched."
A.  Pinochet
B.  Milosevic
C.  Saddam Hussein
D.  None of the above

(1.) D.  None of the above.  Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/29/2004
(2.) D.  None of the above.  Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 5/29/2007
(3.) D.  None of the above.  Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/04/2007
(4.) D.  None of the above.  Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/04/2007
(5.) D.  None of the above.  Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/04/2007
(6.) D.  None of the above.  Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 9/02/2005

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Why I Support Mike Huckabee for President - Part 2

Sanctity of Life

  • I support and have always supported passage of a constitutional amendment to protect the right to life. My convictions regarding the sanctity of life have always been clear and consistent, without equivocation or wavering. I believe that Roe v. Wade should be over-turned.
  • I applaud the Supreme Court's recent decision in Gonzales v. Cathcart forbidding the gruesome practice of partial birth abortion. While I am optimistic that we are turning the tide in favor of life, we still have many battles ahead of us to protect those who cannot protect themselves, and so it is vital that we elect a pro-life President.
  • I first became politically active because of abortion, when I helped pass Arkansas' Unborn Child Amendment, which requires the state to do whatever it legally can to protect life.
  • As Governor, I did all I could to protect life. The many pro-life laws I got through my Democrat legislature are the accomplishments that give me the most pride and personal satisfaction.
  • To me, life doesn't begin at conception and end at birth. Every child deserves a quality education, first-rate health care, decent housing in a safe neighborhood, and clean air and drinking water. Every child deserves the opportunity to discover and use his God-given gifts and talents.
  • I believe in using existing stem cell lines for research, but I do not believe in creating life for the sole purpose of destroying it.

I support and have always supported passage of a constitutional amendment to protect the right to life. As President, I will fight for passage of this amendment. My convictions regarding the sanctity of life have always been clear and consistent, without equivocation or wavering. I believe that Roe v. Wade should be over-turned.

I applaud the Supreme Court's recent decision in Gonzales v. Cathcart forbidding the gruesome practice of partial birth abortion. While I am optimistic that we are turning the tide in favor of life, we still have many battles ahead of us to protect those who cannot protect themselves, and so it is vital that we elect a pro-life President.

No candidate has a stronger record on the sanctity of life than I do. I have always been actively and aggressively pro-life. I first became politically active when I helped pass Arkansas' Unborn Child Amendment, which requires the state to do whatever it can to protect life.

As Governor, I used that Amendment to pass pro-life legislation. The many pro-life laws I got through my Democrat legislature are the accomplishments that give me the most pride and personal satisfaction. I banned partial birth abortion, I required parental notification, I required that a woman give informed consent before having an abortion, I required that a woman be told her baby will experience pain and be given the option of anesthesia for her baby, I allowed a woman to have her baby and leave the child safely at a hospital, and I made it a crime for an unborn child to be injured or murdered during an attack on his mother.

What I accomplished as Governor proves that there is a lot more that a pro-life President can do than wait for a Supreme Court vacancy, and I will do everything I can to promote a pro-life agenda and pass pro-life legislation. If I'm saddled with a Democrat Congress, I'll veto any pro-abortion legislation they pass. I will staff all relevant positions with pro-life appointees. I will use the bully pulpit to change hearts and minds. I have no desire to throw women in jail, I just want us to stop throwing babies in the garbage.

To me, life doesn't begin at conception and end at birth. Every child deserves a quality education, first-rate health care, decent housing in a safe neighborhood, and clean air and drinking water. Every child deserves the opportunity to discover and use his God-given gifts and talents.

With respect to stem cells, I support federal funding of research using existing stem cell lines. I do not believe in creating life for the sole purpose of destroying it. I'm encouraged by recent discoveries showing that stem cells from the umbilical cord offer great promise.

Emphasis added

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Putin Propaganda

Oct 11, 2007 10:02 | Updated Oct 11, 2007 10:35
Putin to EJC: Israel, Russia are 'partners' in facing Iran

In a meeting with European Jewish Congress leaders on Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the two countries most threatened by Iran are Israel and Russia, and the two are "complete partners in this matter," according to EJC sources familiar with the meeting.

"The president [Putin] also said he will do everything in his power to continue to raise the issue in the upcoming Second Summit of Caspian States [beginning October 16 in Teheran]," the source said.

Earlier Wednesday, following a meeting between Putin and French President Nicholas Sarkozy, Putin declared that there was a lack of "objective data" regarding an Iranian nuclear weapons plan, so "we proceed from a position that Iran has no such plans."

Even so, he said, "we are sharing our partners' concern about making all Iranian programs transparent."

Russia has opposed the US-led push for tougher sanctions against Iran and called for more checks and inspections of Iranian facilities by International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN nuclear watchdog, instead of an immediate third round of sanctions.

Asked about the discrepancy of apparent concern over an Iranian nuclear threat in the meeting with the EJC and the calmer tones prevailing in Putin's message to the international community, an EJC spokesman said the organization did not have an immediate comment on Putin's earlier declaration.

At the meeting, EJC President Moshe Kantor asked Putin "to bring his influence to bear on the Iranian President" since "Iran is the major state supporter of International terrorism. If Iran gains the ability to export nuclear weaponry to terror organizations, the danger and horror that awaits the world is immense." The Kremlin meeting also discussed anti-Semitism, where the EJC praised the Russian government's work to combat the phenomenon in Russia. According to the EJC, Putin "committed himself to using the full force of the law to bring to account people who perpetrate such acts." In particular, the Jewish umbrella organization heard "positive" responses from several Russian leaders, including Putin, regarding the formal commemoration of International Holocaust Memorial Day in Russia. The day, which falls on January 27, the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz in 1945, is marked officially in Germany, Poland, the UK, Denmark and elsewhere, and was adopted this year by the UN.


Putin is a "crock." Just exactly when did Iran threaten Russia? Let's see, Ahmadinejad has threatened to destroy the "Big Satan;" does Putin really think this is Russia? Putin has repeatedly said he would not stay in office but now he has decided to remain. The man is as big a liar as Ahmadinejad himself!

Don't believe anything that comes out of Putin's mouth. He and Ahmadinejad are both anti-christs (not the Anti-Christ).

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

From Christians United for Israel

Isaiah 62:6-7 commands Christians to speak out in defense of Israel. Isaiah writes, "I have set watchman on your walls o Jerusalem; they shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent, and give him no rest till he establishes and till he makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth." We are called upon to be watchmen on Jerusalem's walls. And we are called upon to never be silent for Zion's sake. We are called to action on behalf of Jerusalem. Thank you for honoring God’s word with action.

...and, from Pastor John Hagee:


The United States is hard at work organizing a major Middle East peace summit to take place in Maryland in late November. To ensure the success of this summit, the State Department is already trying to hammer out the general outlines of a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. As part of this process, many observers fear that Israel will come under increasing pressure to agree to significant territorial concessions.

The leadership of Christians United for Israel has decided that it's urgent that Israel's leaders and citizens know that CUFI will stand with them if they choose to resist any such pressure. The Israeli withdrawals from Southern Lebanon and Gaza have proven to be great victories for Israel's enemies in Hezbollah and Hamas. The Israelis must know that if they decide that now is not the time to repeat this experience in the West Bank, then millions of American Christians will support this decision. 

Now, more than ever, Israelis must know that they are not alone. 

To ensure that the Israeli people hear this message loud and clear, Christians United for Israel is going to purchase a full-page advertisement in Israel’s most widely circulated paper, Yedioth Ahronoth. We will use this space to publish a letter of solidarity with the Israeli people in Hebrew so that every Israeli can read it and understand it.

For those of you who wish to ad your name to the list of those standing with Israel, we want to invite you to sign your name to this letter. We will deliver this letter, with your signature, to the White House and the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office. In addition, we will present the signed letter to Israel’s Ambassador to the United States, Sallai Meridor, when he speaks at Cornerstone Church in San Antonio Texas on Sunday, November 25, 2007.  

We hope that you will take the time to show the people of Israel that we will stand with them as they make decisions that will be critical to their future. 

Click here to view an English version of the letter and to sign your name. 

In addition, if you would like to help pay the cost of a full page ad in Israel's most widely-read newspaper, please click here. Your support will help make this gesture of solidarity possible.

DNC Pharmaceuticals

Tryphorgetin from DNC Pharmaceuticals:


Happy Halloween...


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Greensburg, Kansas, Approximately 5 Months After Tornado

Although pictures do not do the destruction justice, I felt compelled to share these photos I took on September 27. These people and this town need our help. I ask, if you are close to Greensburg, Kansas take the time to go there and spend some money for something to help the town rebuild.
These people still need our prayers!

The former Dillons Store. It isn't re-opening.
This was their only grocery store and it isn't re-opening.


The World's Largest Hand Dug Well. There used
to be a building that housed some meteorites. The largest was
found in a field some miles away.

From the Big Well looking northeast towards the main
intersection, Highway 54 & Main Street. Before the tornado
this view was not possible because of buildings in the way.
This is the only building left in the business district of Main Street.

This is what's left of the Big Well Park. Looking northwest from the
southeast corner of the park and just south of the Big Well. These trees
used to shade the entire park. We had many family picnics in this park. It is
halfway between Hutchinson, KS and Woodward, OK.

From the west end of town looking southeast. The canopy is a
Kwik Shop owned by Dillons Stores which is owned by Kroger, Inc. Kroger
chose not to rebuild the Dillons Store but rebuild and expand the convenience store.
The convenience store is now their only grocery store for at thirty miles.

From one block south of Highway 54 looking south on Main Street.
There are only a couple of damaged building.
This is quite a ways south of the main business district.

One block south of Highway 54 looking southwest from Main Street.
This view used to be commercial and housing.

The former John Deere dealership on the west end on Highway 54.
The building is completely gone. There are a few farm implements there.

The Greensburg hospital. Yes it is Army tents/barracks.
The used to be the location of two (2) restaurants. My family had had
many meals in each of the restaurants.

Greensburg still needs help, but you don't hear this fine people screaming. They are truly helping themselves!

What Really Happened to Rosie

When Rosie left The View I knew something was up!





By Joel C. Rosenberg

(Washington, D.C., October 9, 2007) -- As the U.S.-sponsored Mideast peace summit approaches next month, a senior aide to Israeli Prime Minister Olmert is actually suggesting his government is now open to the previously unthinkable prospect of dividing their capital city of Jerusalem.

"Wouldn't it be the right deal today for the Palestinians, the Western world and the international community to recognize (Israel's) annexation of...(Jewish) neighborhoods as part of Jerusalem, and for us to quit the Arab neighborhoods?" Vice Premier Haim Ramon told Israel Radio.

Reuters reported that Ramon "made the comments as Israeli and Palestinian negotiators opened talks at a secret location in Israel over a joint document they hoped to present at a U.S.-sponsored conference on Palestinian statehood." A spokesman for Olmert later called speculation that the government would divide Jerusalem "baseless and untrue," but Ramon's comments were public and on-the-record which is what is fueling the enormous concern and speculation.

Opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu quickly and strongly denounced the government's talk of giving up control of Judea and Samaria (commonly known as "the West Bank") as well as East Jerusalem as dangerous and destabilizing, especially in light of the rising Hamas and Iranian threats to the Jewish State...."The unilateral withdrawal from Lebanon created an Iranian outpost -= from which Israel is being attacked -- in the North, and the unilateral pullout from Gaza created a second Iranian base in Gaza, 'Hamastan,'" Netanyahu said on the floor of the Knesset. "And now the government is planning a third withdrawal -- from Judea and Samaria -- that will lead to a third Iranian outpost....Giving Hamas half of Jerusalem will make the rest of Jerusalem unlivable. Giving up Judea and Samaria will transfer the areas controlling the coastal plain into the hands of Hamas, leading to Kassams…on Tel Aviv....according to the government's plans, Israel will pull back to the 67' borders. Obviously, this is the plan and any attempts to disguise it are futile. We are facing an exact replica of the government's plan at the Camp David summit in 2000....This is no way to make peace."

Netanyahu is right. This would be a stunning and misguided move, and one that would further divide the Israeli public at a time unity is desperately needed.

A recent poll found 63% of Israelis are opposed to dividing the Holy City. Even Olmert's cabinet is sharply divided on the issue.

"The issue of the division of Jerusalem is an inalienable asset of the state of Israel. Palestinian refugees will not be returned to Israel and Jerusalem will not be divided," said Transport Minister Shaul Mofaz, a former chief of staff and a member of the Prime Minister's own Kadima party.

Now is the time to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6), not carve it up and serve it to the radical Islamic jihadists now in charge of the Palestinian Authority.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Putin charting parliamentary path to power

Joel C. Rosenberg:

In Joel's blog for Saturday, October 6, 2007, he writes on the subject of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his quest to become the new Tsar of Russian. He also writes of the Iranian threat for Friday, October 12, 2007.

The following article pertaining to Friday, October 12 is from the Islamic Republic News Agency:

Zionist regime's allies to receive response on World Qods Day

Tehran, Sept 19, IRNA

Supporters of the Zionist regime will receive their response during the world Qods Day's rallies, government spokesman, Gholam-Hossein Elham, said Wednesday.

The spokesman made the remarks during his weekly press conference while commenting on the current visit to the occupied Palestine of the US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

Qods Day is held each year on the last Friday of Muslims fasting month of Ramadan after it was nominated by the late Founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, as a day to voice the protest of the Islamic Ummah against the Zionists.

The day falls on October 12 this year.

"The US loses all opportunities to cooperate with regional and other world states by trying to support a regime (the Zionist regime) which is now at its weakest political and social position," Elham said.

He warned that Washington's insistence on its wrong policies and arrogant approaches would have no result "but further political disgrace" for itself.

Referring to the approaching World Qods Day, the spokesman stressed, "Supporters of the Zionist regime will definitely receive the final response for their support on that day."

Original Post:

This morning the Houston Chronicle is reporting that Russian President Vladimir Putin may have found a way to remain in control of the Russian government. This would be done by after leaving the Presidential office he would run for Prime Minister. It's an interesting article and you should take the time to read it.

I believe that it points to prophesy from Revelation. I believe that a new Tsar will rise and lead Russia in the war of Gog and Magog. If Putin retains control of Russia in any form it is a good indication that restoring the Tsar-dom is his goal.

I strongly recommend you take the time to read the Reverend Dr. John Hagee's book "Jerusalem Countdown." Other books of note on this subject and end times prophesy are "Epicenter" by Joel C. Rosenberg and "The Final Move: Beyond Iraq" by Mike Evans. Joel Rosenberg also has a series of fictional books that are eerily prophetic and well worth the read.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out in Russia and the world.

Original Post 10.07.2007 9:33 am

New Poll Shows Mike Huckabee Gains Momentum in Iowa

Former AR Governor Places First Among "Committed" Voters; Third Place Overall
October 07, 2007

Little Rock, AR - Former AR Governor and Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee today "welcomed news" that a new Des Moines Register poll ranks him No. 1 among registered Republican voters in Iowa who have "made up their mind" in the 2008 presidential election - and No. 3 among GOP candidates overall.

"This victory is really good news," said Huckabee about the October 7 poll of likely caucus participants. "This poll confirms that the field is wide open - and that my campaign continues to surge among likely voters."

Huckabee scored first among the voters (about one-fourth of those polled) who have made up their mind, with 19 percent, and third place among all potential Republican voters, with 12 percent. The former Arkansas governor also scored very well among religious conservatives, coming in third with 18 percent.

Huckabee has surged since his strong showing in the Aug. 11 Iowa Republican Party Straw Poll. Support for the other GOP presidential contenders who were included in a Des Moines Register poll taken last May has essentially flat-lined or eroded.

"Voters in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina - and all across America - are looking for a strong conservative leader with a consistent message, results-driven record and positive vision for America's future," said Huckabee. "This new poll reflects what we're feeling on the ground: that my campaign is on an upward trajectory in Iowa and other key battleground states."

Why I Support Mike Huckabee for President

From the Mike Huckabee for President web site:
Foreign Policy: Israel

  • I am a steadfast supporter of Israel, our staunch ally in the War on Terror, the only fully-functioning democracy in the Middle East, and our greatest friend in that region.
  • The United States must remain true to its long-standing commitment to the Israeli people.
  • As President, I will always ensure that Israel has access to the state-of-the-art weapons and technology she needs to defend herself from those who seek her annihilation.

I've visited the Middle East extensively over the past thirty-five years, including nine trips to Israel. I salute and support Israel as our staunch ally in the War on Terror and our greatest friend in that region. As the only fully-functioning democracy in the Middle East, Israel occupies a unique position both geographically and geopolitically. Israel is an important partner in the spread of freedom and democracy throughout the Middle East and the world.

The United States must remain true to its long-standing, bipartisan commitment to the Israelis. I will always ensure that Israel has access to the state-of-the-art weapons and technology she needs to defend herself from those who seek her annihilation.

Thursday, October 4, 2007


Once again the liberal media and liberal members of Congress are after a conservative... Rush Limbaugh.

I am not a great fan of Limbaugh and rarely listen to him on the radio but I have heard the telephone conversation he had on the air that has stirred up this controversy. During the conversation the term "phony soldier" was used to describe a man who had served 40 days in the military, had never seen action and was claiming to be a veteran. Sorry, I think this guy is a "phony soldier."

The Congressional Democrats and liberal media are now claiming that Limbaugh said "phony soldiers" referring to all military veterans. Obviously, they are speaking from the "left" side of their mouths and have not listened to what was actually said.

Many of the same Democrats that are criticizing him are the very ones who have made statement claiming that our soldiers couldn't bring stabilization to certain areas of Iraq, that the war lords have brought it. I certainly don't think that kind of statements are supporting our troops.

I know enough about Limbaugh to know that he supports our troops and veterans and have listened enough to know that he has repeatedly vocalized his support numerous times. Thank goodness Clear Channel Communications (the station owner) is standing behind him.

This is just another round of the liberals trying to get conservation talk show hosts off the air and controlling what we, as citizens, hear and think. This is just one more reason why I continue to say...

Don't re-elect incumbents!

Monday, October 1, 2007