Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Obama press conference

Last nights press conference was another Barry joke. As I see it two
things happened:
  1. He took 13 questions, the same as all the other press conferences. True to form he he talked extensively about each question but answered NONE.
  2. The media, that was called on, asked NO hard or pertinent questions. They are all Obama-media and should be fired by their liberal employers for not reporting appropriately.

Everyone should have watched the Fox television scheduled program "Lie to Me."

Sent from my iPod

Health check 4/29/2009

The oncologist check yesterday was a fairly non-event. All the blood
counts are still going in the correct direction. No changes in
medication were necessary.

I was having a spell of light-headedness while there. My blood
pressure was pretty low, for me, so they think that was accounting for
the light-headedness.

Sent from my iPod

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Obama's War On Israel


The following is from today's edition of One Jerusalem:

During the past two weeks, senior members of the Obama Administration, including the President himself, have publicly sought to bully Israel into adopting policies that would be harmful and dangerous to the people of Israel.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had the temerity to suggest that if Israel does not embrace the failed two-state Palestinian policy it will suffer when it comes to Iran. Clinton should be reprimanded for three reasons.

  1. For setting American policy that is central to the existence of the State of Israel before Israel's new Prime Minister has the opportunity to discuss these matters with President Obama. Clinton and the rest of the Obama Administration is treating Israel as a vassal state that should be dictated to. They are showing disrespect for the people of Israel who have rejected the failed polices of the past.

  2. Clinton and Obama are trying to make the Palestinian issue the central issue defining Israel's relationship with the United States. They have embraced this track even though they know that for Israel and America's Arab allies - stopping Iran is issue number ONE. And on the Iran issue, Israel and the Arab world are very concerned by the Obama Administration's kid gloves approach to the fanatic Islamic regime of Iran. The Obama Administration appears more interested in placating our Iranian enemies than in working with Israel and America's Arab allies.

  3. Clinton has gone so far as to suggest that if Israel does not adopt the two-state platform it will pay a price on the Iran front. Clinton's words suggest that Israel and the United States have different goals when it comes to Iran. On this issue there should be no daylight between Israel and the United States but there appears to be. Is Obama, ready to accept a nuclear Iran? Something that Israel and its Arab neighbors can not accept. If so Obama is supporting a policy that is dangerous to America and the world.

A friend who has spoken to senior members of Obama's foreign and defense policy teams firmly believes that the Obama Administration is prepared to accept the fiction that if given peaceful nuclear power Iran will not use the technology to take the step to develop weapons grade nuclear power. The Obama team has publicly floated this idea and if they are serious we could see the United States helping the mullahs of Iran attain the weaponry they will use against us.

That this option is even seriously considered is stunning in light of the failure of this same policy with North Korea. Do they not remember that the Clinton Administration gave North Korea the gift of "peaceful"nuclear power which helped it develop nuclear weapons? How naive are the formulators of America's foreign policy?

Left to their own devices it seems certain Obama and company will follow a course that will weaken the security of the world. A nuclear Iran is a danger to every one of us. Even "peaceful" nuclear power can be used to develop dirty bombs that can be used by terrorists.

In about three weeks, Prime Minister Netanyahu will have his first meeting with President Obama. You can be certain Iran will be the number one agenda item for Netanyahu. Israel knows that there is no substitute for stopping Iran from attaining nuclear weapons. Lets pray that Netanyahu convinces Obama to join Israel in its quest to stop a nuclear Iran.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Gollum vs James Carville

File:James Carville 1.jpg

I recently read the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I'm watching the three movies now. Yeah, it's a little late to be doing them now but I had to see what the "to do" was all about. I tried to read the Hobbit in my teens but I just couldn't get into it so I just gave up.

Watching the movies one of the things I noticed is that Gollum must have been modeled from democratic strategist James Carville. Can you see the similarities?

Inside the Revolution by Joel Rosenberg

True to Mr. Rosenberg's form with his fiction works this is a non-fiction work that is as spell binding as any of his fiction work. His previous non-fiction book Epicenter was also spell binding. In all of Mr. Rosenberg's books he has proven to be eerily prophetic. I have no doubt that this work will also prove prophetic.

imageInside the Revolution is divided into three sections. The first section pertains to The Followers of Jihad. Although is has some history prior to the 1979 Iranian Revolution, it basically begin with the revolution and the return of the Ayatollah Khomeini to Iran and his declaration of the jihad. It provides much insight as to the position of the US toward the Shah and the Ayatollah and how the US was caught unprepared for the revolution. It gives background regarding former President Carter's wavering attitudes as well as many of those in his administration.

The second section of the book, The Followers of Jefferson, pertains to the attitudes of many of the leaders in several of the Middle Eastern countries. Surprisingly, there are many leaders in Muslim countries steering their countries to more democratic forms of government. It provides background information of many of the leaders that has not readily been provided to the American public. It includes the leaders of Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Morocco, Egypt and others. Some of these leaders have been making changes for years but because of Muslim pressure have gone very slowly to keep from drawing attention to the changes.

The third section, The Followers of Jesus, documents many Christian believers and preachers in the middle east region. There are substantially more than what the American public is lead to believe. It details the "Revival" happening from northern African to Pakistan. It also makes clear what should be done by Christians to encourage the revival and Muslims who are looking for more that jihad and the killing of innocents.

If you have any interest in the middle east or its effects on the U.S. this is a must read book. I was extremely surprised at the corroborated information provided and the number of one-on-one interviews Mr. Rosenberg conducted. It certainly gave me a new perspective regarding Muslims.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Clueless Media

After watching the morning news programs I can officially confirm that the main stream media... ABC, NBC, etc. Still doesn't get the Tea Party concept. Either the management is stupid or they refuse to acknowledge that they were "scooped" by other media in covering this story. I tend to believe it is both.

They continue to proclaim the conservatives and republicans instigated the entire Tea Party idea. This is absolutely ludicrous! But, maybe if they continue to "cry wolf" long enough someone will believe them.

The main stream media ha forgotten how to report the news. They now think their opinions are the news and all should follow their opinions and believe everything they proclaim. This is the main reason main stream news is losing money and viewers and cable outlets are taking over the news reporting industry. Cable outlets understand their job is to report only.

Viewers, contrary to main stream outlets opinions, are capable of interpreting the facts and that is what we viewers want... To be allowed to hear the facts and put our own spin on them.

Sent from my iPod

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tea Party update

Wow! the Kansas City Tea Party in Overland Park in front of Johnson County Community College is definitely a BIG HIT!

At 5:30, 30 minutes before it was scheduled to start, there were probably close to 200 people already there with their signs and lining the streets of College and Quivera. At just after 6:00, I would estimate close to 500 with more people walking the streets, with their signs, to get to the location.

Traffic was unbelievable... worse than rush hour. The only thing I can compare it to is July 4 fireworks traffic at the center of the action. Traffic was literally bumper to bumper in two and three lanes in all four direction of the intersection. There was multiple cars honking support and each honk got the crown yelling, waving and holding the signs higher.

One of the other Tea Parties was shown on the 5 o'clock local news. It was at the National WWI Memorial (the only National WWI Memorial). At that time I would estimate 1,000 attendees.

Unfortunately, the main stream media, including CNN, still don't get it! They have reported that most of the Tea Parties have 100-300 attendees. Wrong! That is why CNN and other main stream media outlets are losing viewers. They have lost the ability to identify a real story that Americans are interested in. They are used to telling us what the main stories are and telling us what to think and whom to vote for.

Americans are getting their bellies full of this type of reporting. What ever happened to old time honest reporting of the stories and the anchors keeping their personal opinions to themselves during the reporting? If anchors want to give personal opinions it used to be done via editorials... do they not understand that?

Amendment X

Amendment X to the Constitution of the United States:

The powers not delegated to the United States \by the Constitution, nor prohibited b y it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Texas Affirms their Sovereignty

Remember? Don't Mess with Texas!

tax day TEA PARTY

The Washington politicians don't get it! Today's Tea Parties are all about Taxed Enough Already. Non of the Washington politicians that we elected and are currently in office are working for US, the people who elected them.

Americans want to go back to the beginning... No taxation without representation!

The politicians, including Obama and all or Congress, is underestimating the Tea Parties and are chalking them up to one political party or the other. It has nothing to do with political parties. The liberal media is chalking it all up to FOX News or, like a CNN correspondent taking credit for it. Other CNN commentators are calling it a "hate CNN" day. Wrong!

My poster that I intend to carry says: "Next time Read It First". Yes, tonight I intend to attend the Tea Party in Overland Park. There are numerous Tea Parties all over the Kansas City metro area.

Where ever you are find a Tea Party and attend, with or without a poster!

Joel Rosenberg predicts Train Wreck

Last night on the Glen Beck Show on FOX News channel Joel Rosenberg appeared. The following in his synopsis of the show.

April 15, 2009

TRAIN WRECK COMING IN U.S.-ISRAEL RELATIONS OVER IRAN: Transcript of Glenn Beck’s interview with Joel

Last night, Glenn Beck had me on his TV show to discuss Iran’s nuclear program and the future of U.S.-Israel relations. Here is the transcript:

GLENN BECK: Something else happened today which was our stance now on Iran has dramatically changed yet again. Just a few months ago under Bush, no talks ever. It has always been that way since 1979. Then President Obama said, “Well, let’s start with some conditions.” And now, the Obama administration is about to drop even that condition. “Well, let’s just talk, even if you have a nuclear thing, whatever. Let’s sit down and talk.” Joel Rosenberg is here. Joel Rosenberg is the author of “Inside the Revolution.” Joel, I don’t even know where to start with this one other than I guess maybe with an interview that I did with Benjamin Netanyahu about two years ago and I said, “You guys are being set up.” And he said, “What do you mean?” I said, “I think the world is going to start pushing towards, `Oh, let’s just be friends with Iran.’” This was way before Barack Obama. And I said they’re going to lose the window. Everybody is going to push for peace, and then you’re going to have to go in because you can’t let these nut jobs have these weapons. And you guys are going to be deemed the bad guys and the rest of the world will pound you. And he said, “Well, be it as it may but we have a right to survive.” Do you think that scenario is coming true?

JOEL ROSENBERG, AUTHOR, “INSIDE THE REVOLUTION”: It is coming to fruition. I think this is a very bad scenario right now, Glenn. Yet the prime minister of Israel Netanyahu understands that there is an apocalyptic, genocidal death cult running Iran right now….They are determined to get the nuclear weapons and destroy Israel. As we talked about before, Israel is only the little Satan. The United States is the great Satan. And as I quote extensively in the book, the president of Iran and top leaders of Iran want to annihilate the United States. And the idea that we will drop this pre-condition and not force Iran to stop enriching uranium before we sit down and talk is a huge mistake. I would describe it as appeasement.

BECK: How did you describe — an apocalyptic what?

ROSENBERG: An apocalyptic, genocidal death cult is running Iran today.

BECK: No, that’s weird, because I think that’s the way that NBC News the media describes my audience. I’m not really sure. You know, people don’t  –

ROSENBERG: But you’re not building nuclear weapons. There’s a difference, see.

BECK: Not that you know. Joel, here is the thing that I don’t think people understand. It was about three years ago that I read someplace about the 12th imam. And I went — wait a minute. Wait a minute. Who’s the 12th imam? And I started looking into it because Ahmadinejad always ends his speeches at the United Nations with “Oh, Allah, give me the strength to hasten the return of the promised one.” When you say apocalyptic, genocidal death cult, you’re not kidding. I want you to explain that and then explain why people in our country - the state department seem to have a problem with religion except over in the Middle East with crazy people. More on that next.

BECK: Author of “Inside the Revolution,” Joel Rosenberg, is back with us. OK. We were talking about why we can’t let Iran get nuclear weapons. And most people will say, “Oh, come on. France has nuclear weapons.”

These people aren’t French. At least, the people currently running it. You say, they’re apocalyptic genocidal maniacs. Is that what it was?

ROSENBERG: Yes….death cult leaders.

BECK: Yes, that’s right. Death cult….

ROSENBERG: Death cult leaders.

BECK: Right. Explain what that means.

ROSENBERG: Yes. Well, as I describe it in “Inside the Revolution” in quite a bit of detail, the leaders of Iran believe that the end of the world is here. They believe that the Islamic messiah, the 12th Imam, is coming imminently - that’s the word they’re using, “imminent.” And they believe their mission in life is to hasten or speed up the coming of the Islamic messiah by destroying Judeo-Christian civilizations as we know it.

BECK: OK. So if I may put this in Christian terms, if you’re somebody who believes in end-times prophecy, you know, that Jesus is coming and the 7-year tribulation and everything else. And you’d be like, “You know, know what? I think we can get this done in two-and-a-half years if we just — we can make this happen. We’ll just hurry up and make things chaotic.” That’s what they believe, that there needs to be great chaos here, and -

ROSENBERG: That’s right.

BECK: And Muslim blood flowing through the streets, et cetera, et cetera.

ROSENBERG: That’s right.

BECK: And so they really, truly believe that it would be best for Islam and best for Allah if they would just hurry that up. Why wait?

ROSENBERG: That’s the problem. We’ve never had a nation’s leadership in any part of the world at any time in history have the death cult features that the Iran leadership has now.

BECK: True or false - go ahead.

ROSENBERG: Well, I was just going to say, Prime Minister Netanyahu understands this.

BECK: Yes.

ROSENBERG: I’ve talked to him about it.

BECK: I have, too.

ROSENBERG: I quote him in the book. But our administration does not. And I believe a train wreck is coming between the United States and Israel over how to handle Iran.

BECK: Thank you.

ROSENBERG: This is the worst moment in U.S.-Israel relations in 61 years.

BECK: I agree with you. America, we cannot abandon — I mean, just — you cannot abandon Israel on this one. You have to understand the religious zealots that are over there.

I don’t understand why in our country we have the left that are so afraid of anybody in a church even saying anything about - you can’t say “God” in schools because that is going to - but they will completely dismiss people.

And this isn’t all of the people in Iran. Understand this…

ROSENBERG: Exactly right.

BECK: These are people that are in charge right now, specifically Ahmadinejad, and even the Ayatollah Khomeini thought this cult which now controls the government, was so dangerous — true or false — he executed them. He wanted them wiped out because the ayatollah said they were too crazy.

ROSENBERG: He certainly wanted them banned. And look, I am an evangelical Christian. And I believe in end-times prophecy. But Jesus’ end-times prophecy is that we’re supposed to go out and share the gospel and try to save tens of millions of people.

Whereas apocalyptic Shia Muslim eschatology or end-times theology says to kill all the Jews and Christians or convert them to Islam. And that’s the danger is that the current administration doesn’t understand it.

BECK: So what do you do?

ROSENBERG: One of the reasons I wrote the book is to try to help Washington understand it.

BECK: So what do you do? What is the solution here?

ROSENBERG: Well, it depends if you’re talking about the American government.

BECK: The American government?


ROSENBERG: The American government has to understand who is across the table. And they have to make a choice. The top experts believe Iran will have nuclear weapons within a year - year and a half, tops.

BECK: Faster.

ROSENBERG: So if you ever talk to them, you better understand who you’re dealing with. But personally, I believe we’re out of time. And I believe North Korea is the evidence. We have been talking to North Korea in six-party talks for 10 years, and where are we?

They have their first nuclear weapon tested. They have an intercontinental ballistic missile that they have tested. Fifteen Iranian military advisors were at that launch last weekend. And now, they are restarting their nuclear arms program.

When you’re talking with two genocidal maniacs, talking won’t work. And unfortunately, we are headed into war with Iran. Either the United States will launch it to protect western civilization or Israel will …

BECK: Israel will.

ROSENBERG: … unless there is an act of God, there is a crisis coming of biblical proportions.

BECK: OK. Joel, you don’t have to end it that way, geez, for the love of — smile, lollipops — things are going to be great. Joel, thanks a lot. We’ll talk again.

I have read all of Rosenberg's books including the novels. He is one of this countries foremost experts on the Middle East. I am currently reading Inside the Revolution (less than 100 pages until finished) and it, like this other books, is eye opening. I highly recommend the book for anyone interested in the affairs of Iran, Iraq, Israel and other Middle East countries and the Islamic Revolution and extremists. I will write my own review of Inside the Revolution after I finish reading it.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Arthur Blessitt

I have occasionally written about a specific person and/or church. Normally, that has been Pastor Steven Furtick and Elevation Church in Charlotte, NC. Elevation Church is one that I listen to via iTunes podcast.

Another church that I listen to (via iTunes podcast) is Westside Family Church in Lenexa, KS. Two weeks ago they had a guest preacher, Arthur Blessitt. Pastor Blessitt carries a full life sized cross where ever he goes and he has been to every country on earth. He has been arrested and thrown in jail in multiple countries and, yet, he continues to preach the word of God and the love of Jesus Christ.

I encourage you to click on the link below and listen to his message from April 5, 2009. While at Westside he preached nine (9) services and it is my understanding that only the first 2 minutes and the last 2 minutes were the same.

This man is amazing!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter, 2009


He is Risen!

He is Risen, indeed!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Isaiah 40:31

Isaiah 40:31 (New King James Version)

31 But those who wait on the LORD
      Shall renew their strength;
      They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
      They shall run and not be weary,
      They shall walk and not faint.

I just felt that this was uplifting and worthy of sharing. I was shared with me through a friend in Louisiana on Face Book.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Health update 4/1/2009

Had the usual blood tests yesterday, CBC and COAG, and then saw the nurse practitioner. The CBC was all good. The COAG, blood thickness, was at the bottom of where they want it so we adjusted the coumadin again.

Next week I have the full range of blood tests in preparation of seeing the oncologist the following week.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009



APRIL 1st MARKS 30th ANNIVERSARY OF THE ISLAMIC REVOLUTION: How did Washington miss it? Will we miss the Radical threat again?
* Netanyahu sworn in, warns West of Iran's apocalyptic, cult leaders
* I'll brief evangelical leaders in California today

By Joel C. Rosenberg

(San Diego, California, April 1, 2009) -- It was thirty years ago today that the Ayatollah Khomeini declared Iran to be the world's first "Islamic Republic," that is, the first country in human history that would be governed by Sharia law, the laws of the Qur'an. Yet as I document in my new book, Inside The Revolution, the Carter administration at the time completely missed the explosion of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the fall of the Shah, the rise of Khomeini, and later the seizure of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran that led to 52 Americans being held hostage for 444 humiliating days.

Admiral Stansfield Turner, the director of the CIA under President Carter, would later admit in his memoirs, "We in the CIA served the president badly with respect to our coverage of the Iranian scene….We had not appreciated how shaky the Shah's political foundation was; did not know the Shah was terminally ill; did not understand who Khomeini was and the support his movement had; did not have a clue as to who the hostage-takers were or what their objective was….We were just plain asleep."

Thirty years later, the question is: Does the Obama administration understand who the leaders of Iran are today? Do they understand the eschatology -- or End Times theology -- held by the current Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and how such deeply-held religious beliefs are driving Iranian foreign policy and military doctrine? Do they understand that Iran's current leaders believe they have been chosen by God to bring about the end of the world, that this is why they are hell-bent on acquiring or building nuclear weapons?

Last week, I met on Capitol Hill with a bipartisan group of nine current and former Members of Congress. They told me neither they nor their colleagues have been well briefed on such issues, nor has senior administration officials. Yet the President is embarking on a policy of direct contact and direct negotiations with a nation whose leaders he may not truly understand.

One leader who does understand the apocalyptic, cultish nature of Iran's leadership is new Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was sworn in last night. "The Obama presidency has two great missions: fixing the economy, and preventing Iran from gaining nuclear weapons," Netanyahu told The Atlantic magazine. The Iranian drive for a nuclear weapon was a "hinge of history," he said, emphasizing that all of "Western civilization" was responsible for preventing an Iranian bomb.

"You don't want a messianic apocalyptic cult controlling atomic bombs," Netanyahu said of the Iranian regime. "When the wide-eyed believer gets hold of the reins of power and the weapons of mass death, then the entire world should start worrying, and that is what is happening in Iran."

It is not just Iran's leaders that should concern us. Al Qaeda's leaders say publicly they want to annihilate us. Top CIA officials tell me they believe bin Laden's forces are actively seeking nuclear weapons to annihilate entire American cities. And just this morning, the London Times quotes a Pakistani Taliban leader warning: "Soon we will launch an attack in Washington that will amaze everyone in the world ... The maximum they can do is martyr me. But we will exact our revenge on them from inside America."

Please pray the Lord protects our country and gives our President wisdom. Pray, too, that the Lord gives Prime Minister Netanyahu wisdom to protect the Jewish people at this critical hour, and that the Lord would use him to explain to world leaders -- including those in Washington -- who the leaders of Iran really are, what they really want, and how far they are willing to go to accomplish their objectives.

Washington, I fear, is "just plain asleep" again. It is time to wake them up.
[To read extended excerpts from Inside The Revolution on how Washington missed the Islamic Revolution in Iran 30 years ago, please click below]

To read the rest of this report on Joel's weblog, please click here

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