Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Friday, June 19, 2009

A NEW HITLER IS RISING IN THE EAST: Why can’t the West see it?

Joel Rosenberg’s Weblog

JUNE 19, 2009...3:04 PM

A NEW HITLER IS RISING IN THE EAST: Why can’t the West see it?

The Ayatollah Khamenei is preparing to annihilate the Jews.

The Ayatollah Khamenei is preparing to annihilate the Jews.

Khamenei's model?

Khamenei's model?

President Obama says he refuses to “meddle” in Iran. Why not? He is clearly “meddling” in Israel, pressuring the Jewish people not to defend themselves from a new Hitler rising in the East. He is clearly “meddling” by pressuring Israelis not to continue developing and expanding their own neighbors in Jerusalem, their capital city? He is happy to “meddle” in pressuring the Israelis to divide Jerusalem, give away the West Bank and allow Islamic Radicals to establish a sovereign state in “Palestine.” Remind me why, then, President Obama is willing to “meddle” in the affairs of a truly democratic country such as Israel, and refuses to speak out with moral courage and clarity with regards to a tyrannical dictatorship in Iran beating, arresting, and killing innocent civilians.

To misunderstand the nature and threat of evil is to risk being blindsided by it. The U.S. was blindsided by Hitler’s move on Europe in 1939. We were blindsided by Pearl Harbor in 1941. We were blindsided by the  in the 40s. By the Ayatollah Khomeini’s Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979. By Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990. By the 9/11 attacks just a few years ago. I believe we are increasingly in danger of being blindsided again. And the stakes couldn’t be higher,

How can the White House — and the Western alliance — not see the evil that is running Iran today? The Ayatollah Khamenei has called for Israel to be wiped off the map. He selected Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to be the president of Iran in 2005. He just re-annointed Ahmadinejad to serve another four years by rigging the recent elections. He and Ahmadinejad are fully committed to acquiring nuclear weapons, long-range ballistic missiles, destroying the U.S. and Israel, and bringing about the End of Days. They speak of it openly, as I document in my new book and will present in the documentary film we’re finalizing for release on 9/11 (see Yet top officials in Washington refuse to truly and effectively confront Khamenei and Ahmadinejad. Rather, they keep pressuring Prime Minister Netanyahu to make dangerous concessions to Israel’s avowed enemies. Meanwhile, Khamenei is threatening an even more bloody crackdown on the young Reformers crying out for freedom and justice. Ahmadinejad has been in Moscow building political and military alliances with Russia, China and the Islamic powers of Central Asia. And Iran’s chief Asian ally — North Korea — is threatening to conduct new nuclear weapons tests and may be preparing to test launch an ICBM into the Pacific next month that could threaten Hawaii.

Now, more than ever we need to pray for our leaders, that their hearts would be changed, that their eyes would be opened, that they would “do justice, and love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 5:8) We need to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. “Behold, He who keeps Israel neither will slumber nor sleep.” (Psalm 121:8) And we need to pray for the Lord to show His great love to all the people of the epicenter. “I will set My glory among the nations; and all the nations will see My judgment which I have executed and My hand which I have laid on them. And the house of Israel will know that I am the Lord their God from that day onward….I will not hide My face from them any longer, for I will have poured out My Spirit on the house of Israel, declares the Lord.” (Ezekiel 39:21,22,29)

Monday, June 15, 2009


This morning even the main stream media is showing cell phone video coming out of Tehran of the street riots protesting the results of the election. The videos are also showing the police and Red Guard attempting to put down the riots. The U.S. should now be doing everything possible to encourage the Iranian people to oust this government. It certainly appears that the people are ready.


Note: I may be on Glenn Beck today to discuss Iran and Netanyahu. Please check weblog for updates.

By Joel C. Rosenberg

(Washington, D.C., June 15, 2009) -- The Supreme Leader of Iran has spoken, and it is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for another four years. A major, cataclysmic war is the most likely outcome of the Iranian elections. And the battle lines are clear. It's Netanyahu vs. Ahmadinejad -- Bibi vs. Mahmoud -- and the big question is: Who will strike first?

This weekend's events in Iran tell us a lot.

First, the results prove that Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei firmly, completely and whole-heartedly supports Ahmadinejad's End Times beliefs. Khamenei also fully supports Ahmadinejad's commitment to build nuclear weapons and long-range, high-speed ballistic missiles. There is no daylight between Khamenei and Ahmadinejad on this Radical eschatology, or End Times theology, as some analysts and commentators have suggested. These two men are who I have said all along they are: members of an apocalyptic, genocidal death cult. They are kindred spirits. They believe the wind is at their backs, that Allah is on their side, and they believe they will soon see complete victory. That's what makes them so dangerous.

Second, the results prove that the people of Iran never had a real choice. This wasn't a real election. It was totally and completely rigged by a Radical Muslim mafia. The aftermath became, as one Iranian noted over the weekend, a Tehran Tiananmen. Protesters and dissidents were beaten, arrested and tortured. Text messaging was turned off. Facebook was shut down. The internet was down or slowed for vast stretches. All this prevents ordinary citizens from mobilizing their opposition to the government. That said, however, the massive turnout at the polls -- and the street demonstrations and violence in Iran over the weekend -- showed that even though Iranians didn't have real Reformer candidates to choose from, the vast Iranians are deeply disgusted with the current regime. They long for true freedom and true democracy. They desperately wanted the elections to be real. They are ABA -- Anybody But Ahmadinejad. They don't buy into the regime's End Times theology. They desperately want someone to liberate them. I feel for them. I want them to be free. Now more than ever.

Third, the results prove that the Obama administration's belief that you can sit down and have a rational discussion with such Radicals -- or trust an agreement even if one could be negotiated with them -- is nonsensical. How could we possibly trust the Iranian leadership to keep a promise to stop building nuclear weapons (if such a promise were made), when they steal elections and beat and torture dissidents in front of the whole world?

Fourth, as for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech, he was right: Iran is the real threat to the region and the world, not Israel's refusal to make more "land for missiles concessions" to the Palestinian leadership.

Fifth, we need to continue praying for peace, but preparing for war. Our Joshua Fund board met over the weekend for several days of strategic prayer and planning meetings. At this point, we see our mandate clearly: Do everything we can to educate, awaken and mobilize the followers of Jesus Christ to pray for peace, and do everything we can prepare for war in case the Lord allows a cataclysmic battle ensue between Israel and Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah. We are working on building the organizational and financial infrastructure to eventually provide $100 million worth of food, clothing, medical supplies and other relief aid to Israel, and another $20 million to Israel's immediate neighbors. This will take time and much effort. It's not clear how quickly we can achieve this goal, but I believe we are moving in the right direction. We've expanded our budget this year (In 2006, TJF's budget was $160,000. This year, it is about $5.7 million.) We've increased the size of our staff (from 1 in 2006 to 4 full time employees today). We are actively recruiting several new staff positions. We're working with our financial services provider to expand their capacity for receiving and processing donations. We're working to improve our communications to our donors so we can do a still-better job at briefing them on the projects we're doing and how we're investing the resources they've entrusted to us. We're recruiting more prayer partners. We're building more government and civilian allies in Israel and the region. We're working to build more allies among evangelical pastors and ministry leaders in North America and beyond. We're also taking up to 300 evangelical leaders and lay people to Israel in November for a prayer & vision trip. And, as the Lord gives us grace, strength and resources, we will do more to help followers of Christ learn, pray, give and go. This is a critical moment. The threat is real. The time is short. We would be grateful for your continued prayers and support in the weeks and months ahead. God bless you.

[For the latest developments in Iran -- and the full text of Netanyahu's speech -- please click below.]

Click here to track the latest developments in Iran and to read the full text of Netanyahu's speech.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Joel Rosenberg’s Weblog

JUNE 13, 2009...9:49 PM

NETANYAHU VS. AHMADINEJAD: War is the likely outcome of the Iranian “elections”

The Supreme Leader of Iran has spoken. It’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad by a “landslide.” Now all eyes in the region shift to Israel, where Prime Minister Netanyahu will deliver a major policy address on Sunday. The battle lines are clear. It’s Netanyahu vs. Ahmadinejad….Bibi vs. Mahmoud. The big question is: Who will strike first?

My Joshua Fund board members and I are just finishing up two days of board meetings. At this point, we see our mandate clearly: Do everything we can to educate, awaken and mobilize the followers of Jesus Christ to pray for peace, and do everything we can prepare for war in case the Lord allows a cataclysmic battle ensue. We are working on building the organizational and financial infrastructure to eventually provide $100 million worth of food, clothing, medical supplies and other relief aid to Israel, and another $20 million to Israel’s neighbors. We’ve expanded our budget this year. We’re preparing to hire additional staff. We’re recruiting more prayer partners. We’re building more government and civilian allies in Israel and the region. We’re working to build more allies with evangelical pastors and ministry leaders in North America and beyond. We’re also taking up to 300 evangelical leaders and lay people to Israel in November for a “prayer & vision trip.” We would love to get  you involved. To learn more — or to make a tax-deductible contribution to The Joshua Fund — please click here.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Guest blog 6.12.2009

The following was passed to me by one of my email friends. The author of it has requested to remain anonymous:

Is this Proof Enough?

Freedom for the individual has to be kept and maintained by each individual in every generation.  It is not passed on in the DNA, bequeathed in a will or bought with money.  Our freedom was originally paid for in blood and millions have paid that price since then and a few of the many American citizens are paying the price today while most Americans shirk their responsibility as citizens to keep themselves informed as to what is happening in the country and the world so thy can make an informed vote and most do not even vote.  To serve the country in the military does not even cross the mind of most of them.

They are to busy watching and following some sport, soap opera, trashy TV or movies or American Idol.  Most of the younger generation today can tell you who is on American Idol but cannot tell you who James Madison, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson or Ben Franklin or what parts they played in the founding of our country.  How many have read the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution or any of the Federalists Papers.  How many of you even know what the Federalists Papers are.  If you know the Constitution than you know how far we are from operating by it in America and just how much of a leap we have made away from it and into socialism and fascism in only the last four months.  If you do not know the Constitution, than unless you decide to suddenly get involved in trying to save our freedoms, you will remain in ignorant bliss until the day it becomes obvious even to you that you no longer have any freedoms.

The beauty of our Constitution is that it states that our freedoms come from God, not man and because of that cannot be taken away by man unless we become so ignorant and uncaring of our rights and freedoms that we surrender them willingly.  As Ben Franklin put it, "anyone that surrenders their freedoms for security deserve neither".  Ben Franklin when asked by a citizen what kind of government they had created replied "a Republic if you can keep it".  How many of you know that our country was created as a Republic (and why) not a democratic society.

If you think that the Holocaust can never happen again, think again.  Can you say "the killing fields of Cambodia".  What happened there is exactly what was said would happen if we pulled out of South Vietnam  but was denied by all of the "Jane Fonda's" and her ilk.  George McGovern who was one of the front running cheerleaders for getting out of Vietnam even had the gall to say that we should send American troops into Cambodia to stop the massive killing when he and all of the other S. O. B.'s was the cause of the killings taking place in Cambodia.

If you think that another Cambodia cannot happen again, think again.  Right now there is a bunch of lunatics in Iran working like hell to get the nuclear weapons (they already have the missile delivery system) with one intent----to bring on world chaos that their religion says is necessary to bring back someone that went down a well thousands of years ago.

If your only source of news to stay informed is ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN, you are being informed of only what they want you to know, not all of the facts.  I suggest that you sample many sources and apply some sensible questioning of what you hear and read.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Back to the Bible 6.10.2009

Reverend Woodrow Kroll used this in his Back to the Bible broadcast yesterday:

"Once heaven is our home, we will always be a little homesick until we get there." G. K. Chesterton

I really like this quote and feel it is so true. Think about it!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

One more failure for network news

Tonight, I got home in time to watch the ABC News with Charles Gibson and one again they failed to accurately report on at least one story. I can only assume that CBS, NBC, CNN, etc. followed the same reasoning... what ever it was.

It seems that the island nation of Palau (remember Survivor: Palau, the same one) has agreed to accept 17 Uighurs, members of a Muslim group in China, that are currently being held at GITMO.

Of course Charlie neglected to report that the US is paying Palau $200,000,000 to take them. Keep in mind the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of Palau in only $170,000,000. So it probably is a good deal for Palau. They probably won't be spending that much on the prisoners and I bet they won't get the "cushy" treatment thy got at GITMO. More than likely when they ask for special meals, laptops, etc. Palua will laugh at them.

Has Obama calculated and included in the national deficit the amounts we are going to have to pay other countries to take these prisoners?

Lies & ignorance in the news 6.10.2009

Tax cheat and Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, is asking Congress to pass laws giving company shareholders more powers. Specifically, power to decide on executive compensation.

In my opinion, shareholders currently have that power through the election of the board of directors. Shareholders must be guarding against "good old boys" boards.

Of course Geinther opinions come via an administration that has absolutely NO business experience.

Iranian President Ahmadinejad is up for re-election this Friday. He is complaining that his competition are spreading rumors about him the way the Nazis and Hitler did.

Go figure! I thought Hitler was his hero. All those claims that the Holocaust never happened I guess just gave me the wrong impression.

Maybe he is scared he is going to lose! May there is some truth to that old adage: What goes around comes around.

Sent from my iPod

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sarah Palin cleared

During last year's Presidential campaign Sarah Palin had 14 ethics complaints filed against her in the state of Alaska. The main stream ultra liberal media jumped on this story and kept it a story for weeks.

Yesterday, Governor Palin was cleared of all 14 complaints by the ethics board.

Did the liberal main stream media report it? No!

The giant and failing GE through it's media outlet, NBC and affiliates were joined by the other liberal media ABC, CBS and CNN and it's affiliates to conspire to hide this story from the American public. If it weren't for talk radio and Fox News this story would have remained buried.

Stories like this is why Democrats keep talking about the "Fairness Doctrine." They could use the Fairness Doctrine to stop talk radio and outlets like Fox News from reporting to us what the liberal media won't.

Sent from my iPod

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Cartoon from 1934 Chicago Tribune


Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. George Santayana, The Life of Reason, Volume 1, 1905

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Taxation without Representation

Recently, I have felt that we are being taxed without representation.

When Congress passed the "stimulus bill" none of them bothered to read it before voting for it. They had no idea what was contained in the bill, yet they voted for it. That wasn't representing me. So what are they doing up there other than drawing their breath and their pay?

Next, Congress has stood by and supported Obama in taking over Chrysler and GM. A recent Rasmussen poll shows that only 1 out of 5 Americans support the GM bailout. Yep, that is 4 out of 5 of us are opposed but that doesn't make any difference to Obama or our elected Congressional representatives. Once again, I don't feel represented.

I was driving down a street in Lenexa today and noticed that a sign company was taking down the Countrywide Mortgage sign and replacing it with a Bank of America lending sign. This reminded me that I was opposed to the bank bailout. Sorry, as a former banker I'm still opposed to that bailout.

It seems like Obama's and Congress' method of solving problems is to force another bailout. Who's or what's next?