Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Dr. Effie Jane Wheeler

This a beautiful passage for Christian and non-Christians alike. I just love the peace she expressed within herself and her ability to bring peace to each reader. It would have been interesting to take one of her classes.

From "Peace With God" by Billy Graham:

"For many years Dr. Effie Jane Wheeler taught English and literature where I attended college. Dr. Wheeler was noted for her piety as well as for her knowledge of the subjects she taught. In May of 1949, on Memorial Day, Dr. Wheeler wrote the following letter to Dr. Edman, then president of the college, her colleagues, and former students.

"I greatly appreciate the moment in chapel that may be given to reading this, for before you leave for the summer I should like to have you know the truth about me as I learned it myself only last Friday. My doctor at last has given what has been his real diagnosis of my illness for weeks--an inoperable case of cancer. Now if he had been a Christian he wouldn't have been so dilatory or shaken, for he would have known, as you and I do, that life or death is equally welcome when we live in the will and presence of the Lord. If the Lord has chosen me to go to Him soon, I go gladly. Please do not give a moment's grief for me. I do not say a cold goodbye but rather a worm Auf Wiedershen till I see you again---in the blessed land where I may be allowed to draw aside a curtain when you enter. With a heart full of love for every individual of you. (Signed) Effie Jane Wheeler."

"Just two weeks after writing this letter. Dr. Wheeler entered the presence of her Savior, who had kept his promise to take the sting out of death."

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