Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Pope vs. Muslims

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"Integrity is doing exactly what you say you will do. Honesty is saying that you will do something that is right; Integrity is following up on it." (Dr. Woodrow Kroll, Back to the Bible)

This week the Pope made comments quoting another regarding many Muslims invoking God in the name of terrorism. Muslims world wide are condemning the Pope for his comments. This has upset me greatly. So much so that I sent an email to many calling attention to this. European leaders among others are backing the Pope and the intent of his comments. I urge each to also stand ground against Islamic terrorism. Some Muslim groups are threatening attacks against the Pope and on the Vatican. Duh, but doesn't this confirm something?

Those Muslims demanding apology from the Pope should be stepping up and apologizing to the United States, Great Britain, Spain, France and other countries. These are peoples who sanctify terrorism in the name of God.

Muslims conducting terrorism in the name of God have not Honesty nor Integrity. Just as Jews numbers 144,000 will lead others to Jesus, we must pray that Muslims will also be lead.

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