I don't normally post the entire "Flash Traffic" when I do post it but this time the Joshua Fund report is important. It tells of an amazing conversion to Christ that we should all be lifting up.
Also: I have a new weblog address. See below.
By Joel C. Rosenberg
(Washington, D.C., August 15, 2008) -- Russia and Georgia agreed to a cease fire on August 12th. Yet at this hour, Russian forces continue to seize more Georgian territory.
The Bush administration, frankly, has done a lousy job defending our democratic ally against Putin's aggression. The Europeans have done even worse. We are finally airlifting in humanitarian relief supplies. This is good. But shouldn't we have been airlifting in weapons and ammunition around the clock, like we did to help Israel during the 1973 war? The Georgians feel alone. Because they are. The White House keeps warning Putin to back off or face "repercussions." What kind? The administration refuses to be clear, so why should Putin take such bluster seriously?
Some sobering lessons have been learned this week from the Georgia disaster. Among them:
1. Putin is a new Russian Czar who wants to rebuild the Russian empire and will use force to get his way.
2. Neither the U.S. nor NATO are willing to be firm in Europe in defending a key ally against violent aggression. No one wants a war with Russia. But we have to do better than this. Such impotence in the face of Russian imperialism bodes ill for Ukraine, Poland, Armenia, Azerbaijan and other Western allies increasingly being intimidated by the Kremlin.
3. Based on events this week, Israel should be wary about accepting American or European security guarantees in any future peace deal with her neighbors.
4. A Russian attack on a democratic ally can happen fast, and almost without warning. This has prophetic implications, when you think about the prophecies of Ezekiel 38-39 and a "last days" war by Russia, Iran and a Mideast alliance against Israel.
5. Russia and Iran want to control the production and flow oil and natural gas in the Caucases. Both want to dominate energy supplies in Turkey.
NOTE: For reasons that are not yet clear, my previous weblog site was blocked by the host service on Friday, August 8th, preventing me from posting any new articles all week. It remains blocked, as of this writing. Thus, I have launched a new site for all new articles. Previous posts remain archived and searchable. Thanks so much for your patience and your prayers. -- JCR
Joel's new weblog site.
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A huge story broke first in Israel in Haaretz about a week ago, and now on the Fox News Channel. The son of the leader of Hamas has renounced his affiliation with the terrorist group, has renounced Islam, and has become a follower of Jesus Christ. The full-length interviews are absolutely fascinating. Links to both stories are available on The Joshua Fund weblog.
Please pray:
1. That this young man's faith deepens and grows and that he can be discipled by an older, wiser man of God.
2. That the Lord keeps this young man safe from those Radical jihadists who would try to take his life.
3. That the Lord would answer his prayers and his family's eyes and hearts would be opened and they would all come to faith in Jesus as well.
4. That other Hamas leaders and Muslims throughout the West Bank and Gaza -- as well as all Israelis who are hearing this story -- would be moved by this young man's spiritual journey and begin asking why he did it.
5. That the Lord would continue to build His church in the Holy Land, and not allow the gates of Hell to prevail against it.
This is very good news. At the same time, my colleagues and I continue to believe that there is a serious likelihood of war between Israel and Iran in the next few months. The Joshua Fund, therefore, is doing everything we can to prepare for that war, should it come. Our staff has just returned from Israel where they have been for the last three weeks. They were meeting with our key allies and making preparations to pre-position more relief supplies. Specifically, they are looking for warehouse space, office space, and vehicles to move the supplies. We would be grateful for your continued prayers for those needs.
We would be especially grateful for your prayers that the Lord would provide an additional $1 million above and beyond our regular budget, and do so by September 1st so that we can secure those facilities and fill them with supplies.
Thanks so much for standing with us as prayer and financial partners. As always, The Joshua Fund will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date on the kinds of projects we are doing, brief you on how those projects are proceeding. We will also let you know about the kinds of projects we are developing for the future. In no way do we want to pressure anyone to give financially. We fully believe the Lord will provide for the needs of the people we seek to serve. But if you or others wish to help, we welcome your support, and all financial gifts are tax-deductible.
To contribute to the on-going work of The Joshua Fund please make your check payable to "The Joshua Fund" and send to:
The Joshua Fund
18950 Base Camp Road
Monument, Colorado 80132-8009
Thanks so much and may the Lord richly bless you and your family as you bless Israel and her neighbors in the name of Jesus -- especially at critical moment in history of the epicenter.
Would you consider making a donation of $25, $40 or $60 a month to The Joshua Fund? Please click here to find out more, and/or to make a secure donation on-line.
Thank you for reading. Please feel free to forward to others.
TO BOOK JOEL FOR AN INTERVIEW please contact Beverly Rykerd at 1-888-481-0405, (719) 481-0537, or (719) 440-2746 (cell), or brykerd@ix.netcom.com.
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