Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Thursday, February 12, 2009

a few political thoughts

There is a big "to do" about Michael Phelps being caught smoking pot with a bong. Kellogg has canceled his sponsorship contract because they think middle America won't buy their cereals with his picture on the box. In my opinion middle America or any other cereal buyer doesn't buy cereal for the picture; the buy it because they like and want to eat the cereal. Phelps has apologized!

The Obama administration and the democratically controlled Congress has nominated and confirmed cabinet members that have admitted to tax evasion. The reasoning of this being okay is they apologized and paid the taxes (after they knew they were being nominated). If it was you or I, even if we did apologize and pay the taxes we would be brought up on charges of tax evasion. Is this the new standard in enforcing laws? Of course, if you are going to be the Treasury Secretary, which oversees the IRS you get to live under a new standard of law enforcement! This is the new transparent, ethical Administration that the American public voted for.

President Obama has stopped the military trial of one of the terrorists responsible for killing 17 American servicemen on the USS Cole. This man admitted guilt! How disrespectful to the families of these servicemen.

The SEC has been working on a settlement with Madoff for swindling $50m from investors. They think they may have an agreement for him to reimburse the investors... but only $1M. Of course, they neglected to account for the $15M his wife took. Why is the SEC still involved? They are the ones that missed the Ponsi Scheme in the first place. They assisted Madoff in the swindle and the former head of the SEC is as guilty as Madoff and his wife.

Bill O'Reilley is being busted for saying that Helen Thomas' voice sounded like a witch. If you don't know who Helen Thomas is, she is the White House correspondent that sits on the front row of the briefing room and has been there for 40+ years. O'Reilley is being accused of calling her a witch, which he didn't... just that her voice sounds like a witch. Well, in my opinion, she does look like the witch from Hansel and Gretel or Snow White. In addition, I think she asks stupid questions and should retire. Keep in mind, she is no longer a correspondent she is really a columnist.

Looks like the "Stimulus Package" is going to be shoved down our throats. Obama says there are no "earmarks" in the bill but get this... $30M to protect wetlands in California that happen to be in Speaker Nancy Pelosi's district. Of course, her office says she had nothing to do with it. As I have said for years, and been proven correct numerous times: "Nothing like an official denial to confirm the truth!" Oh, there is a tax cut for those working... $13 per week starting in June. In January it is cut to $8 per week. Man, we can buy a lot with that!

Oh, Senator Charles Shumer (D, NY) said yesterday that the American public doesn't care about pork. Of course he was talking about the stimulus package not the "white" meat. He is nuts! It's really time for the state of New York to wake up and get rid of the joker. He is so far out of touch and nuts it is ridiculous.

Another commitment of Obama's transparent administration he established new rules pertaining to lobbyists. However, those rules apparently only apply when he wants them to. Yesterday, the Senate confirmed William Lynn as Assistant Defense Secretary. He was formerly the lobbyist for Raytheon. As ADS he will be in charge of the daily operations at the Pentagon. Senator McCain has condemned the nomination and confirmation. Transparent, huh?

Well, I've tried to avoid blogging about politics but Obama and Congress have just given me too much to ignore. Both have lost touch with the "big picture."

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