Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Commissioners OK Phill Kline’s request for investigation


Johnson County District Attorney Phill Kline conferred with the then head of his office's administration, Linda Carter, during a June "retreat" between the attorney general's office and the county commission. Carter says she had a two-year affair with Kansas Attorney General Paul Morrison that began when Morrison was Johnson County district attorney. She also says Morrison used the relationship to try to obtain sensitive information about one of Kline’s abortion clinic investigations.

Johnson County commissioners today authorized District Attorney Phill Kline to spend an initial $25,000 to investigate alleged wrongdoing that Kline said involved blackmail and telephone harassment.

Kline said he had evidence of criminal wrongdoing, but refused to confirm who the target of the investigation was. However, the inquiry is believed to involve allegations surrounding a sex scandal involving Kansas Attorney General Paul Morrison.

The money would be used for Kline to hire a special prosecutor. Kline told commissioners that his office could not investigate the matter because some of his staffers could be witnesses.

I have absolutely no doubt that this investigation is politically motivated and vengeful. Phill Kline was not good the the State of Kansas as Attorney General. How could the leadership of the Republican Party in Johnson County think he would be good for Johnson County? These "leaders" are the people who appointed him District Attorney to replace Paul Morrison who defeated Kline for Attorney General. Not only should Phill Kline be removed from office but these Republican leaders should be removed from leadership positions in the party.

Phill Kline should be under investigation for the charges that the Kansas City television station made against him. They claim he does not live in Johnson County and is only working 29 hours per week. In addition, the county could not provide parking records for him for many weeks. Those weeks, one must assume, he was not at work. The claims by the county that the records are arbitrarily erased by the program is not believable. If this is the case then the County should be hiring new a auditing firm because the current firm is not doing there job!

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