Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Letter from a friend

I received the following letter from a friend of mine and, in my opinion, he is "dead on." I have removed his last name for security purposes.

My Dear Friends,

Something happened today that will change America forever.  Our President, Mr. George Bush, backed down to Russian Primere [sic] Vladimir Putin.  You see about three weeks ago Mr.Putin in a very stern manner told Mr. Bush to leave Iran alone or there will be grave consequences.  Today Mr. Bush announced that Iran really isn't really hell bent on building a nuclear arsenal.  He states that there is new intelligence to back this up.

Please explain to me Mr. President why they are still enriching uranium.  Please explain why our best friend in the Middle East, Israel, is livid.  They know you are wrong.  You just turned your back on them.  Not only that you showed Russia they can push us around.  How long will it be before they are calling the shots in the Middle East.  Perhaps it is already too late. What has Mr. Putin said to you in private that has you so afraid?

While you have been fighting with Iraq,  Russia has been supplying our enemy's with weapons.  Why haven't you stood up to them a long time ago?  Maybe it is time to tell America the real reason we are fighting Iraq. It is because your buddies in Saudi Arabia were afraid of Saddam Hussein and didn't have the guts to fight their own battles.  We all saw you hugging and kissing these guys.  What kind of promises did you make them?  Now you have us embroiled in a quagmire that has cost thousands of lives and billions of dollars.  Remember when you said "Either you are with us or the terrorists"? Well if someone is supplying them with weapons whose side are they on?  Stop the supply source and you stop the ability to fight. 

My friends we are already suffering the consequences for these actions.  The once Mighty America is beginning to crumble.  These actions have opened a door in  the Middle East that will change the whole world.  Read Ezekiel chapter 38 and you will begin to understand what we are seeing happen right before us.  Rosh (Russia) is teaming up with the Muslims to attack Israel.  We have no way of knowing how soon this will take place, but the stage is being set. 

Please pray for our friend Israel. 



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