Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Sunday, January 20, 2008

political free for all

As I see it thus far this is a political free for all on both sides of the the aisle.

Remember I'm a conservative evangelical republican.


My problem(s) with Obama... he scares me. I don't think he has enough experience to lead this country. While in the Illinois state legislature he repeatedly voted "present" instead of yes or no. Is he afraid to take a stand on "tough" issues? If you are confronted with a critical military crisis will he be able to take a stand? The best indication of future actions is past actions. Will he stick his head in the sand and once again vote "present?"

Hillary... where to start. She says she has "found my own voice," but can she over talk her husband. In the past few weeks she hasn't been able to. He has gotten as much, if not more publicity than she. Obviously, from past "affairs" she can't control him or what he does. I think he sees himself as the winner if Hillary wins. He can't wait to get back in the White House. What will his role be... President, co-President, Sr. President? They both scare me and the only reason I can see to put her in the White House is to have some new entertainment from Bill and his scandalous affairs.

Edwards... He is simply in the race to see what he can get out of it. Maybe a Vice Presidential spot. May he can negotiate with what ever delegates he acquires. His race is dead, it just hasn't been embalmed, yet!


McCain... He is my candidate because I think he will stand up to our enemies and not let them run over us. There are many issues I disagree with him on. However, after listening to his opinions I can live with those disagreements. I do question if he can actually win the White House but if he can keep his momentum going he has an excellent chance. Without any doubt he is a better candidate and potential President than the democratic alternatives. For the past twenty-eight years the winner of the South Carolina primary has been the nominee of the Republican party. If this holds true he is our guy and the front runner.

Huckabee... was my favorite before McCain. He has the clearest stand on Israel of all the candidates. However, I don't think he is as much a "Reagan Conservative" as he claims. My concern is that he has a record of raising taxes. Also, I've got doubts about how he will show in future primaries. Other than Arkansas, has he had his run of wins and near wins?

Thompson... was my favorite before Huckabee. I actually sign a petition asking him to join the race. Now, I don't think he can win the nomination. However, I have less disagreement with his stand on issues than any other candidate. I still think he would make the best President of all the candidates and there is no one I would more like to see pull away from the crowd but I think he waited too long to get into the race for that to happen.

Romney... Way too polished; on his way to the country club; way to egotistical. To me he just comes across wrong... I can't even hear his message or where he stands on the issues other than... he is going to give Michigan lots of taxpayer money to bolster their economy. That sounds like raising taxes to me!

Well, that is my assessment as of this morning. It may, and probably will change as more primaries are held. There is one thing, for sure, that I know... it's still a wide open contest!

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