Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Monday, January 26, 2009

15 Things You Should Know About Abortion

It has never been a secret my feeling regarding abortion. I am opposed to it!

Since President Obama reversed Executive Orders issued by former President Bush regarding abortion and embryonic stem cell research I have been troubled. I just don't understand how these Liberals (primarily Democrats) who claim to love can think it is okay to murder children. My experience with talking with them is that they don't want to discuss it and can't explain their stand.

It is timely that the following post from Words from Eudoxus shows up today because I have been wanting to post on the subject:

This is just a cut-and-paste from John Piper's blog, but I thought you may want to read it. These are fifteen things about abortion. Some of them are purely scientific. Others are purely faith-based. Even if you don't believe in God, there's an overwhelming amount of evidence that abortion is just as wrong as any other murder. Here's the list:

1. Existing fetal homicide laws make a man guilty of manslaughter if he kills the baby in a mother's womb (except in the case of abortion).

2. Fetal surgery is performed on babies in the womb to save them while another child the same age is being legally destroyed.

3. Babies can sometimes survive on their own at 23 or 24 weeks, but abortion is legal beyond this limit.

4. Living on its own is not the criterion of human personhood, as we know from the use of respirators and dialysis.

5. Size is irrelevant to human personhood, as we know from the difference between a one-week-old and a six-year-old.

6. Developed reasoning powers are not the criterion of personhood, as we know from the capacities of three-month-old babies.

7. Infants in the womb are human beings scientifically by virtue of their genetic make up.

8. Ultrasound has given a stunning window on the womb that shows the unborn at eight weeks sucking his thumb, recoiling from pricking, responding to sound. All the organs are present, the brain is functioning, the heart is pumping, the liver is making blood cells, the kidneys are cleaning fluids, and there is a fingerprint. Virtually all abortions happen later than this date.

9. Justice dictates that when two legitimate rights conflict, the limitation of rights that does the least harm is the most just. Bearing a child for adoption does less harm than killing him.

10. Justice dictates that when either of two people must be inconvenienced or hurt to alleviate their united predicament, the one who bore the greater responsibility for the predicament should bear more of the inconvenience or hurt to alleviate it.

11. Justice dictates that a person may not coerce harm on another person by threatening voluntary harm on themselves.

12. The outcast and the disadvantaged and exploited are to be cared for in a special way, especially those with no voice of their own.

13. What is happening in the womb is the unique person-nurturing work of God, who alone has the right to give and take life.

14. There are countless clinics that offer life and hope to both mother and child (and father and parents), with care of every kind lovingly provided by people who will meet every need they can.

15.Jesus Christ can forgive all sins, and will give all who trusts him the help they need to do everything that life requires.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Health Update 1/21/09

Had lab work done and say the oncologist yesterday. It was all good news!

The monoclonal proteins which measures the myeloma went from "1.0" last month to "0.4" yesterday. That is excellent news meaning the myeloma is disappearing and I am nearing remission.

Although multiple myeloma is not curable it is treatable. When remission is achieved the myeloma disappears, even at though at some point it will return. The doctors call remission "complete remission" because of the disappearance of the disease.

God is good, God is Great. Please continue to pray for my remission.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day 2009

What a historic day! Although I have never been an Obama supporter it is truly a historic day in our nation and I really think the country was ready for a black president, as well as a woman president.

In my 54 years I have seen and remember some great days in our country and world; some were:

  • Walking on the moon;
  • An actor, Reagan, being elected president;
  • Seeing Reagan, in person;
  • Fall of the Berlin wall;
  • End of the Cold War;
  • The International Space Station;
  • and, of course, the election of the first black president.

I hope the youth of this nation realizes the times they are living through and experiencing.

Friday, January 9, 2009

No, I don't support the bail-outs

I know I said I was going to be less political this year but I couldn't resist:clip_image001
And don't forget Larry Flynt of "Hustler" wants a bailout of the porn industry!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Living with cancer

"Sadly, many people get their happiness only from outward circumstances. As long as their lives are untroubled, they feel happy. But illness strikes, or a relationship breaks down, or any of a thousand other unexpected trouble engulf them, then happiness flees." Hope for Each Day Words of Wisdom and Faith by Billy Graham

Job 2:10 "...Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?"...

Aren't both of these quotes so true? Is it just "nature?" Is it lack of faith?

Some people have commented that I have a good attitude about living with terminal cancer. It isn't always easy and the attitude isn't always good. There are always good days and bad, both physically and mentally. But I try to take comfort in the fact that I have a wonderful caring family and great doctors that know the science. Most importantly, I know I have a God that takes cares of me, loves me, and will never hand me more than I can handle.

With my wife's positive attitude and assistance, I decided bitterness wasn't going to help my situation and certainly wasn't going to improve my health. Too many people with terminal diseases cling to the bitterness and, in my opinion, make their health worse.

My suggestion turn loose of the bitterness, turn to loved ones, and believe and have faith in the Lord that created us.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's resolution

I have never made New Year's resolution! Well, this year I think I am going to give it a try.

The resolution... I am going to make a concerted effort to stay in contact with friends and find old friends and stay in contact with them. Doesn't sound like much but considering I've never made resolutions before it might turn out to be pretty aggressive for a first shot.

I actually started last evening. I called a former employee from my days in Muskogee, OK, that I hadn't talked to in almost 18 years. We spent a little time catching up. Since the last time I saw or talked to her she, also, has had cancer. She has been cancer free for 9 years. It was a fun visit and we got each other's email address so we could continue to stay in contact.

New Year's Eve Health Check

I had blood work done and saw the nurse practitioner yesterday. All of my blood counts are going in the right directions including the blood coagulation test. It was exactly where it needs to be. Hooray!!

The nurse practitioner even said that she thinks I am headed for remission again! Hooray!!

Isn't God great?