Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Thursday, March 29, 2007

U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Health, and Iraq Accountability Act, 2007

Just a few extras in the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Health, and Iraq Accountability Act, 2007 passed by our Congress. A little "pork barrel" always helps get an unpopular bill passed.

$25,000,000 Spinach

$20,000,000 Emergency Conservation Program

$252,000,000 Milk Income Loss Contract Program

$74,000,000 Peanut Storage Costs

$5,000,000 Businesses breeding, rearing or transporting live fish

$60,400,000 National Marine Fisheries Service

$436,400,000 Subtotal

This isn't all of it. There is more money for hurricane recovery and numerous other "pet" projects. The Democrats need to remember it is the tax payers money not theirs!

“A billion here and a billion there, and pretty soon you're talking real money." Sen. Everett Dirksen (R-IL, Dec'd)

Don't re-elect incumbents!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Queen Pelosi and Arab Peace Plan

Nancy Pelosi is Speaker of the House of Representatives not Queen of the U. S. Today's CNN coverage of her highlights her telling the President to "calm down," that "there is a new Congress in town" and it will be their way not his.

He has said for weeks that he will veto any bill that sets a date for withdrawal from Iraq and now she seems appalled that he is going to do what he said he would.

Is she nuts or does she really have that big of an ego?

Now that she has said that things will be the Democratic Congress' way I believe that means that if the troops are not supported she is taking responsibility for the Democratic party. In addition, Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has said Congress will run this war just like the Democratic party ran the Viet Nam war. In other words, cut and run and show the enemy that the U.S. doesn't have the guts to win a war. Remember how the Viet Nam vets were treated when they came home... surely we don't want these vets to be treated the same way!

Give me a break! Don't re-elect incumbents!

Additionally, the King of our "ally," Saudi Arabia, has called the U. S. presence in the mid-east "illegitimate."

The Arab League of Nations now wants to go back and adopt the 2002 "Land for Peace" deal with Israel. This was a bad opportunity in 2002 and it still is today. Jerusalem must not be surrendered or divided. Jerusalem belongs to "God's chosen people," Israel. These Muslim countries cannot be trusted to honor any treaty. They will use any treaty to buy time for further preparation for war against the "infidels."

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Israel Threatened

Speaking on behalf of the entire Arab world Saudi Arabia has told Israel to accept their peace plan or face war.

This is nothing but a trap. The Arab world will never honor a peace plan for more than seven (7) years. The Islamic Quran requires Islamists to kill the "infidels." The infidels are Christians and Jews or anyone else that is not Islamic. For more than 1,400 years Islamics have been breaking treaties and killing anyone that is not part of their religion.

Part of the new peace offer is consistent with the "Road Map to Peace" formulated by the United States, Russia, European Union and the United Nation. Both plans require that Israel give up half of Jerusalem to the Palestinians as the capital of their new Palestinian state.

The United States and the rest of the non-Islamic world should be fighting this "peace" plan. Once again the United States will have to take the lead. Too many European countries have proven to bow to Islamic demands. Spain, France, Italy, Germany and Great Britain have already acquiesced to Islamic demands because of terrorist attacks upon them.

Russia will be unwilling to help because of their financial commitments to countries like Iran. Russia is selling nuclear technology to Iran and the President of Iran has publicly stated that Israel and the United States must be destroyed.

God gave Jerusalem to his chosen people, Israel. God established Israel's borders. Anyone committing infractions on God's chosen people is committing a sin. Jerusalem belongs to Israel alone!

If you are a Bible believing Christian you should be speaking out against this "peace plan!"

Friday, March 23, 2007

House decides to put Troops in Harm's Way

Today, the U. S. House of Representatives voted to condemn our troops in Iraq. Knowing the President will veto the "the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Health and Iraq Accountability Act" they chose to pass it anyway. It was more important for Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and her fellow Democrats to get a bill that provides millions to special interest groups than to protect our troops in Iraq.

Good for those salmon fisherman in California, peanut farmers in Georgia and all the other special interests of Democrats for getting the funds away from the American people and our troops.

The money for the troops will begin to run out within the next three (3) weeks and if the Senate passes the same bill then SHAME ON YOU! Our troops' blood will be on your hands! As sure as you pulled the trigger yourself, when you take funding away from the troops you have caused their deaths. May God and the American public forgive you!


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Compromise or Subpoenas

In my opinion the Democratic controlled Congress is on a witch hunt with the Executive Branch over the firing of the federal prosecutors.

The White House turned over the emails that were asked for and Democrats immediately started complaining. They didn't like the form they were in because they were "boring and repetitive." Apparently, the White House should have spruced them up so they wouldn't be so boring. If you have ever forwarded or replied to emails they normally have the contents written by each person involved. Sure they are going to be repetitive. If the White House had edited them and taken out the repetitive part then the Democrats would have complained that they had been altered.

The White House has offered a comprise pertaining to Rove and other officials speaking to Congress, but Congress doesn't want to discuss this. Instead, they want to issue subpoenas and draw this out as long as possible.

These Democratic tactics are right in line with the plan of action Representative John Conyers (D-MI) announced prior to the last election. That was that he wanted George Bush impeached and he planned to start impeachment proceedings as soon as he took over the House Judiciary Committee. Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) didn't deny this as a Democratic position but told Conyers to keep his mouth shut until after the election.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT) flatly rejected the President's compromise offer, despite pleas from the top Republican on the committee, Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania. In an exchange with Leahy, Specter argued that moving toward confrontation with the White House would only tie up the matter in courts for years. This is what the Democrats want!!!

President Bush has said he will invoke executive privilege if the subpoenas are issued and he is now receiving criticism about that. The Democrats didn't complain about it when Clinton invoked executive privilege more than any other President in recent history.

Why don't the Democrats take the initiative and get busy with this country's business? What "great" business has the Congress conducted since the Democrats took over?

Don't re-elect any incumbent!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Hollywood Hot Topics

Have you noticed how the main stream media has to check with Hollywood Liberals before they know what "hot topics" to alarm the nation about?

The Hollywood Liberals now think that the U. S., specifically George Bush, should take us into Darfur to save the people because hundreds of thousands of them are being murdered in civil war. I don't disagree that we need to help protect the citizens of Darfur but why aren't the Liberal concerned about the hundreds of thousand of Iraqis that were being murdered by Saddam and his Red Guard? There are still thousands of innocent people being murdered in Iraq by terrorist. The Hollywood Liberals think we need to get out and let them take care of it themselves because it is a civil war.

The media didn't report on "global warming" until a few Hollywood Liberals decided it was going to be their "cause." Now Hollywood says global warming is all the fault of George Bush like it just started during his administration. Come on! The Liberals and Hollywood think the American public is stupid enough to believe it is all George Bush's fault.

The main stream media has to report only what Hollywood Liberals deem important. If you really want proof that main stream media thinks we are all stupid, just watch one broadcast with Katie Couric and the others.

Too bad main stream media isn't elected... Don't re-elect incumbents!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

U. S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Health and Iraq Accountability Act

House Majority Leader, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), is leading the charge to get the Democratic "anti-war" bill passed.

In order to get the bill passed by her Democratic colleagues $29 Billion in "pork barrel" spending is part of the bill. The billions include money for veterans' health care (one of the good parts), drought relief, more help for Gulf Coast recovery from hurricane damage, $60 million for Pacific Coast salmon fishermen and $25 million for Salinas Valley spinach growers.

In order to make the bill more "deceiving" the sponsors have named it "the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Health and Iraq Accountability Act." Maybe it should have been named "the Nancy Pelosi Pork Barrel and Bribery Scheme to get the Bill Passed Act."

Don't re-elect incumbents!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Just Suppose

JUST SUPPOSE that at every ball game, graduation, prom, etc, someone who has had enough of stupid, anti historical court decisions had the guts to start reciting the Lord's Prayer loudly, and others joined in, then more, until hundreds participated.

And JUST SUPPOSE this spread all over our land until this became standard practice in hundreds of schools, then thousands, then tens of thousands.

Just what would local school boards do? Expel half the student body? (They need their jobs and federal funding far too much to do that.) What would a Federal district court do? Order hundreds of nonviolent, decent minors jailed? Or thousands?

Just what would the Supreme Court do about it - issue more edicts?

What if millions decided the Supreme Court was out of its league and said, "So what?" JUST SUPPOSE hundreds of brave school board members, local judges, prosecutors, and others, each in their own area of authority, refused to intervene, realizing that we have already tried it the other way, and the result was a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah of immorality and senseless violence.

JUST SUPPOSE this then spread next into classroom after classroom, and either a brave student or a brave teacher started the Lord's Prayer (or Psalm 100, or a Bible reading, etc.) each morning, until hundreds of thousands stood up and did their part and stopped cowering before the destructive, God-hating secular attitudes of the pagan minority who parrot the media line.

JUST SUPPOSE every God-fearing Christian participated peacefully, nonviolently, but firmly and continually. Where would they get enough jails to hold us all? How would they prosecute hundreds of thousands?

It is far more than the government can do to even stop the flow of illegal drugs, despite their best efforts, and overcrowded jails.

What if hundreds of thousands stood up to the tyranny of the minority and demanded their freedom of religion back? They can't build enough jails or courts to begin to deal with such a movement.

During the Civil Rights battles of the 60's, some of the black people decided they had had enough and stood up to the system. A few dozen here, a few hundred there, and eventually the whole country heard, and repented, and changed. Racial repression was an evil whose time was over.

But now, there is another battle and the stakes are even higher. The future of all children, white, black, and otherwise, is at stake. No other country on earth allows a tiny minority of impractical anti-religious bigots to censor their people's right to free religious expression. Even Russian public schools show videos of the life and teachings of Jesus now.

We tend to get exactly the kind of government we deserve.

If you make a time line or a graph, you will see that the exponential increase in public school violence, pregnancy, and foul language all started at exactly the time the Supreme Court threw prayer and Bible reading out of the schools. We told God we didn't need Him, and the results speak for themselves.

JUST SUPPOSE hundreds of Christians passed this message on to all their friends, leaders and contacts.

JUST SUPPOSE hundreds of churches, organizations and ministries passed this message on to their constituencies with a request to reprint, repost and repeat it wherever possible.

JUST SUPPOSE you are a lighthouse. Once upon a time the Church was the moral conscience and spiritual lighthouse of the nation. Now, most congregations are impotent, pusillanimous minor-league social welfare agencies or mutual comfort societies with no impact on the world around their little enclave.

JUST SUPPOSE - What do you suppose you should do?

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Anti-war Protests

Yesterday, anti-war protestors gathered near the Lincoln Memorial to express their disagreement with the Iraq war and to call for the troops to come home. Although I disagree with this thought, this is not my purpose of this post.

This morning former Congressman Tom DeLay (R-TX) called the protestors unpatriotic. I completely disagree with Mr. DeLay. The most patriotic think an American citizens can do is to express one's dissent. That is Freedom of Speech!

Sen. Chuck Schumer & U. S. Attorneys

A few days ago I posted that I agreed with Sen. Chuck Schumer (R-NY) regarding the firing of eight U. S. Attorneys. He feels these firings were purely political.

After listening to Sen. Schumer this morning on Meet the Press I am now convinced that they were not politically motivated any more than when Clinton fired all U. S. Attorneys or when Reagan fired all U. S. Attorneys. By tradition, the U. S. Attorneys serve at the will of the President, NOT Sen. Schumer.

I do believe that Sen. Chuck Schumer has started a new political witch hunt against the President. This shouldn't have surprised me or anyone else. This is one of his expertises. He needs to spend more time representing the citizens of New York than representing the Democratic party.

Once again, I say, Do Not re-elect incumbents!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Red Fridays

Very soon, you will see a great many people wearing Red every Friday. The reason? Americans who support our troops used to be called the "silent majority". We are no longer silent, and are voicing our love for God, country and home in record breaking numbers. We are not organized, boisterous or over-bearing. We get no liberal media coverage on TV, to reflect our message or our opinions. Many Americans, like you, me and all our friends, simply want to recognize that the vast majority of America supports our troops.

Our idea of showing solidarity and support for our troops with dignity and respect starts this Friday -and continues each and every Friday until the troops all come home, sending a deafening message that.. Every red-blooded American who supports our men and women afar will wear something red. By word of mouth, press, TV -- let's make the United States on every Friday a sea of red much like a homecoming football game in the bleachers.

If every one of us who loves this country will share this with acquaintances, co-workers, friends, and family. It will not be long before the USA is covered in RED and it will let our troops know the once "silent" majority is on their side more than ever; certainly more than the media lets on.

The first thing a soldier says when asked "What can we do to make things better for you?" is...We need your support and your prayers.

Let's get the word out and lead with class and dignity, by example; and wear something red every Friday.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Men in Black

Politicians on both sides of the aisle complain about the infamous "Men in Black", the Supreme Court, establishing law instead of interpreting the law. In 1962 the Men in Black established a law that is commonly referred to as "Separation of Church and State." "Separation of Church and State" does not appear in the United States Constitution. It was simply an idea they came up with while interpreting the Constitution for a case they were hearing.

I really believe they missed this interpretation by a mile. If our forefathers had intended what we now have why are Biblical references everywhere. The Speaker of the House looks directly at a sculpture of Moses, "the Law giver." Of course, there are the references on our money, on most Federal buildings, like the Supreme Court, both houses of Congress open sessions with a prayer, the President is sworn into office with his hand on the Bible, etc.

Many people believe this country was founded on Christian principles. I disagree. I think it was founded on the Bible. The original settlers brought their Bibles with them. Until 1962, when the Men in Black established this law, the Bible was the basis for most readers and was frequently read in our schools. It was the basis of laws and the moral compass of the settlers and our forefathers who established this country. Too bad that for so many of our elected officials it isn't still the moral compass!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Fred Thompson and other things

If former Senator Fred Thompson (R, TN) decides to run for President he may be the best hope for the GOP. From what I have heard from him I could probably support him. Is America ready for another actor as President? The last one was pretty darn good! It will be interesting to see what he decides.

Attorney General Gonzales has admitted that mistakes were made in the firing of eight U. S. Attorneys. Listening to and reading the media reports it sure stinks of pure politics and probable pressure from the White House. Gonzales has said he will not resign. Once again, I call for President Bush to fire him. And again, if he won't Congress should take steps to remove him from office.

This episode on top of the infraction in the law in the name of the Patriot act are just too much. I heard today on the radio President Bush say that "those breaking the law should be arrested." Even though the comment was made in conjunction with drug trafficking from Mexico, shouldn't it apply on American soil to everyone. Wake up and follow through with your commitments, President Bush!

Apparently, it is now coming out that Congressional members on both sides of the aisle have been applying pressure on agencies to hire constituents. The Justice Department is one of those "agencies." In addition, they have been doing illegal things like ordering credit reports on people without authorization. Aren't you surprised that our elected officials would do illegal things? I'm at least surprised that those in Washington are just now figuring out that illegal activity is going on in Congress.

Maybe I'm becoming more liberal, but it sure seems that things in Washington, D.C. are souring and stinking on both sides of the aisle.

Don't re-elect the incumbent! Let's get some fresh blood!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Hillary, you're no Jack Kennedy

Hillary is now comparing herself to President Kennedy. Prior to his election the spin doctors of the time said the country would never elect a Catholic. She is now using this as a comparison regarding women. You would think she would have learned from the Dan Quayle incident... "Senator Clinton... You're no Jack Kennedy."

Give me a break!

Halliburton moving

All the news is carrying a story about Halliburton moving their corporate headquarters to Dubai. If they follow through with this move, all branches of government doing business with them and any subsidiary should cancel contracts. I see this as a huge security risk. Several months ago a foreign company was set to take over management of our ports and that was a security risk. Halliburton employing non-Americans in a foreign country is also a security risk.

Follow up on FBI:

Senator Shumer (D, NY) is calling for the resignation of Attorney General Gonzales. I can't remember ever, ever agreeing with Shumer on anything so this is a first and more than likely a last! Attorney General Gonzales is FBI Director Mueller's boss. President Bush should fire both... they are both responsible for the violations of the law in the name of the Patriot Act.

Senator Lindsey Graham (R, SC) has said it is President Bush's right to fire them. Senator Graham is wrong... it is his duty to fire them. In the past, President Bush has said he would fire anyone in his administration who broke the law. Then, follow through with your commitment and fire both, Attorney General Gonzales and Director Mueller.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

FBI abuses

I am and probably will remain a supporter of the Patriot Act. However, the recently disclosed abuses by the FBI are intolerable. Director Mueller has stated that he will not resign as a result of the abuses. President Bush should fire Mueller and the Justice Department should investigate and determine who was responsible for the violations of law and prosecute to the limit of the law.

In my opinion, theses abuses are significantly more severe and important than prosecuting or persecuting people like Martha Stewart and Scooter Libby for lying to the FBI. After all, neither did any more or as much and former President Clinton. He not only lied to the FBI but also to the American public on national television.

Maybe if Director Mueller had been more concerned with watching what his agent were doing instead of chasing insignificant liars these abuses of power could have been avoided. Although he didn't commit the abuses he is still just as responsible. Obviously, he doesn't feel the "buck stops with" him.

If President Bush is unwilling to fire Mueller then Congress should takes steps to remove him.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Liberals, Conservative, Liberals

After all the hoopla this past weekend in Selma, Alabama there is a big question that needs to be answered. Since Obama and Hillary both made political speeches at a church, were any IRS regulations violated? I thought that if churches got involved with politics they would lose their tax exempt status. But, it is probably okay since they are both liberal candidates in a Congress controlled by liberal democrats. You can bet if it hd been a conservative Republican there would be a tremendous uproar.

Ann Coulter, labeled by liberals "right-wing," actually a Conservative columnist/commentator made a comment this weekend in a speech associating the term "faggot" with Presidential candidate John Edwards. Of course the liberal media has tried to turn this into something it wasn't. The speech was actually about joking in speeches. In my opinion, the whole incident was an unfortunate mistake in timing.

Of course, when Bill Maher stated that the Vice President should be assassinated, the liberal Media failed to report the incident, thus "blessing" the suggestion. The Department of Justice should have investigated Mr. Maher for making a threat on the Vice President.

Back to Mr. Edwards... he is one of the liberal democratic candidates that favors murdering babies in the name of abortion. He also favors homosexual marriage but still calls himself, although reluctantly, a Christian.

Conservative Evangelical Christians are going to have to speak up this election and keep the liberal "scum" out of office!

Monday, March 5, 2007

Hillary... the Southerner?

Hillary and Obama were at the anniversary celebration of the Selma march this weekend in Selma, Alabama. They both made speeches and the media is reporting this morning that Obama held his own. They also reported that Hillary acquired a "curious Southern drawl."

Yep, true to the Clinton way, play the crowd and become whatever it takes! What will she be next?

I guess last week in a speech she stated that the Chinese had the U.S. "over the barrel" because they own $6 trillion of U.S. Treasuries so we better be nice to them. Who has who over the barrel? What would it do to the Chinese economy if the U.S. defaulted on those $6 trillion of Treasuries?

Just not sure she has a grasp on the real world!

Maybe she will become the "the little lady staying home baking cookies" or "some Tammy Wynette Standing By Her Man."

Friday, March 2, 2007

Injustices, Stupidities and Presidential Ponderings

Martha Stewart convicted of lying to an FBI agent; Scooter Libby on trial for lying to an FBI agent. What is going on... Bill Clinton - "I did not have sexual relations with that woman!" Lie... when is he going on trial for lying to the entire United States population?

Kansas Appeals Court set aside a conviction of the former Westar executive Wittig because there was insufficient evidence. Obviously, these judges felt that a jury of Wittig's peers wasn't smart enough to interpret the evidence. The Kansas Appeals Court judges are secure in their jobs... but I think they should be impeached.

Kansas voters decide to vote former Kansas Attorney General, Phill Kline, out of office. But Johnson County, Kansas Republicans decide he would make an excellent Johnson County District Attorney. Turns out that the loser gets the winners old job. Phill Kline promptly fires most of the prosecutors in his new office... people that were hired by the man who defeated him for Attorney General. Now the fired employees are suing for their jobs. How much will Phill Kline's actions cost Johnson County residence? All for his act of retribution!

The presidential election should be interesting over the next year and a half. I don't know who to vote for, yet. But I do know who not to vote for... Hillary Clinton. She uses her Secret Service agents to keep citizens from asking her the hard questions. Her own employees say she is two-faced. It's not that I am opposed to a woman being President because I'm not. I think the country is ready for a woman President... just not Hillary.

Other than Obama and McCain I haven't really seen anyone that is too interesting. I'm so unimpressed with the field of candidates I can't even think who is running and who has already dropped out. I do think it would be nice to have someone new and fresh!

ACLU Exec into Child Porn - Did you hear about it?

Apparently, the only major news media reporting this was Bill O'Reilley and the rest at Fox News!
To view the entire article, visit
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
ACLU exec busted for child porn in court today
Posted: February 28, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

A former American Civil Liberties Union executive, who once argued that Internet filters in libraries that limited children's access to pornography would interfere with their ability to learn and communicate, is facing a federal court hearing today on charges he possessed child pornography.

The preliminary hearing is scheduled in court in the Eastern District of Virginia for Charles Rust-Tierney, 51, of Arlington, Va., who has been held in custody in the case since his arrest. According to report on the case, Rust-Tierney admitted to investigators he had downloaded videos and images from child pornography websites onto CD-ROMS, which reportedly depicted graphic forcible assaults on young girls.

Rust-Tierney, who served as president of the Virginia ACLU chapter for several years, was the lawyer who argued against Internet filters in libraries in the early 2000s when the ACLU was opposing the Children's Internet Protection Act, which later was approved by Congress.

Donna Rice Hughes, president of Enough is Enough, a website dedicated to protecting children from the dangers on the Internet, had worked on CIPA, and then served as an expert witness for the defendant when Tierney and the ACLU sued over the filters.

"That Mr. Rust-Tierney, a leading proponent of unrestricted access to the Internet, has now been arrested for receiving and possessing graphic child pornography should serve as testimony to the injudicious and baleful outgrowth of the legal challenges launched by the ACLU questioning the constitutionality of important legislation that protects children from Internet exploitation and content harmful to minors," the organization said in a statement released by Enough is Enough spokeswoman Cris Clapp.

"When Mr. Rust-Tierney argued before the Loudoun County Library Board that unrestricted access to the resources of the Internet was essential for our children's ability to learn and communicate, and when groups like the ACLU contend that acceptable use policies alone are capable of protecting children online, they fail to acknowledge the tragic and devastating effects to children and families of both intentional and unintentional access to online pornography," the statement said.

CIPA was stricken by a lower court, but that decision was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2003, providing what Enough is Enough describes as "a landmark victory for child Internet safety protection."

The investigation that resulted in Rust-Tierney's arrest was conducted by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, as well as Arlington County police as part of the Northern Virginia and District of Columbia Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.

The explicitness of the offending videos is evidenced by the reports that in one of the scenes a prepubescent girl is "seen and heard crying" and another is described as "bound by rope."

Rust-Tierney's arrest was announced after his initial appearance before United States Magistrate Judge Barry R. Poretz, who ordered him held until a subsequent hearing.

Rice Hughes had advised Congress on the CIPA proposal, but her organization confirmed that an analysis shows that still more than 20,000 images of child pornography are posted on the Internet every week.

"Studies have demonstrated that early exposure to pornography is related to greater involvement in deviant sexual practices, particularly rape. Additionally, studies have confirmed that among child molesters incited, over half deliberately used the stimuli of pornography as they prepared to offend," the group said.

"The addictive qualities of pornography combined with the fact that habitual consumption of pornography can result in a diminished satisfaction with mild forms of pornography and a correspondingly strong desire for more deviant and violent material poses a direct threat to the safety of our children," the group said.

The group also noted that the fact Rust-Tierney "was serving as a youth sports leader is highly concerning."

"Groups like the ACLU, which in the ACLU Policy Number 4 ascribes to the belief that child exposure to explicit material and juvenile delinquency have never been carried to the point of defi nitive proof, and which ultimately propounds the legality of child pornography, represent an incredibly radical and malevolent agenda that clearly results in the exploitation of our children," the group said.

Rice Hughes is an internationally known Internet safety expert and advocate, and a leader of national efforts to protect children from sexual predators and Internet porn. Her book, "Kids Online: Protecting Your Children in Cyberspace" was called a "powerful tool for parents" and has been translated into Spanish and Korean.

The Washington Times reported that an ICE agent said in a sworn affidavit that Rust-Tierney had subscribed to various child-pornography web sites in recent years.

The overall national ACLU's stance on pornography was made clear when in 1985 Barry Lynn told the U.S. Attorney General's Commission on Pornography that chil d pornography was protected by the First Amendment.

A StopTheACLU website notes that the organization still represents such groups as the North American Man-Boy Love Association and John Roberts, of the ACLU's Boston branch, said, "Mere possession should not be a crime."

Fox News' Bill O'Reilly called it a "horrifying" case. And he noted that the two "biggest left-win outfits in the country - the New York Times and NBC News - ignored the story entirely." CBS News, CNN and most of the big city liberal newspapers also failed to cover the Rust-Tierney arrest, Fox said.

"Now the failure of most media outlets to cover this colossal embarrassment to the ACLU contrasts vividly with the coverage of preacher Ted Haggard, which embarrassed conservative Christians. You remember when Haggard was accused of immorality b y a male prostitute, the story was all over the place."

If you'd like to sound off on this issue, please take part in the WorldNetDaily poll.