Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Hollywood Hot Topics

Have you noticed how the main stream media has to check with Hollywood Liberals before they know what "hot topics" to alarm the nation about?

The Hollywood Liberals now think that the U. S., specifically George Bush, should take us into Darfur to save the people because hundreds of thousands of them are being murdered in civil war. I don't disagree that we need to help protect the citizens of Darfur but why aren't the Liberal concerned about the hundreds of thousand of Iraqis that were being murdered by Saddam and his Red Guard? There are still thousands of innocent people being murdered in Iraq by terrorist. The Hollywood Liberals think we need to get out and let them take care of it themselves because it is a civil war.

The media didn't report on "global warming" until a few Hollywood Liberals decided it was going to be their "cause." Now Hollywood says global warming is all the fault of George Bush like it just started during his administration. Come on! The Liberals and Hollywood think the American public is stupid enough to believe it is all George Bush's fault.

The main stream media has to report only what Hollywood Liberals deem important. If you really want proof that main stream media thinks we are all stupid, just watch one broadcast with Katie Couric and the others.

Too bad main stream media isn't elected... Don't re-elect incumbents!

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