Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Fred Thompson and other things

If former Senator Fred Thompson (R, TN) decides to run for President he may be the best hope for the GOP. From what I have heard from him I could probably support him. Is America ready for another actor as President? The last one was pretty darn good! It will be interesting to see what he decides.

Attorney General Gonzales has admitted that mistakes were made in the firing of eight U. S. Attorneys. Listening to and reading the media reports it sure stinks of pure politics and probable pressure from the White House. Gonzales has said he will not resign. Once again, I call for President Bush to fire him. And again, if he won't Congress should take steps to remove him from office.

This episode on top of the infraction in the law in the name of the Patriot act are just too much. I heard today on the radio President Bush say that "those breaking the law should be arrested." Even though the comment was made in conjunction with drug trafficking from Mexico, shouldn't it apply on American soil to everyone. Wake up and follow through with your commitments, President Bush!

Apparently, it is now coming out that Congressional members on both sides of the aisle have been applying pressure on agencies to hire constituents. The Justice Department is one of those "agencies." In addition, they have been doing illegal things like ordering credit reports on people without authorization. Aren't you surprised that our elected officials would do illegal things? I'm at least surprised that those in Washington are just now figuring out that illegal activity is going on in Congress.

Maybe I'm becoming more liberal, but it sure seems that things in Washington, D.C. are souring and stinking on both sides of the aisle.

Don't re-elect the incumbent! Let's get some fresh blood!

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