Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Friday, March 21, 2008

commentary from One Jerusalem

McCain and Obama


As Barak Obama is consumed with trying (and in our estimation failing) to answer the question of why he could faithfully attended a church which preached hatred of America, John McCain visited Israel and made news by what he said and did not do.

One journalist, who believes that Israel actually ha someone to negotiate a peace deal with, criticized McCain for failing to meet with the "moderate" Abbas.

The Arab press has forcefully denounced McCain for emphatically stating that Jerusalem is the capital of the Jewish people. While we wish McCain had gone further and declared that Jerusalem should not be divided -- his statement caused Arabs to brand him a Zionist agent.

But perhaps more importantly McCain used his visit to go to the besieged town of Sderot. McCain helped focus international attention on the plight of these innocent Israelis who are under constant attack by Israel's enemies.

While McCain is on the firing line for defending Israel, Obama is failing to distract people away from the fact that he spent most of his adulthood looking to an anti-American racist for spiritual guidance.

I have to agree with this article on both counts. Obama made a good speech and no doubt he is very charismatic but he cannot deny knowledge of the speeches from Rev. Dr. Wright. If I were in a church where these types of statements were made I would be leaving the church and I certainly would not consider this type of a person a spiritual advisor. Obama's stand on Rev. Dr. Wright is not right (no pun intended) and could very well cost him the Democratic nomination.

I am proud of McCain's handling this past week. I do support Jerusalem and feel that McCain must openly state that Jerusalem must remain united

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