Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

a new earth and oprah

This is a powerful video that all Christians should watch. I am glad that this is finally coming out and making the rounds.

I read this book (A New Earth) and found it quite disturbing. Several times I contemplated discontinuance but I decided I was strong enough to finish the book and see if Tolle backed off his initial sacrilegious stand… he did not! I have contemplated this book for the past couple of weeks, since finishing it, and continue to find it disturbing.

In one respect this book if very early 70’s ish from the “me first” attitude of the era. But, this book is so much more deceiving and in my opinion evil.

I am extremely disappointed that Oprah 1) chose this for her book club, 2) is conducting weekly classes to deceive millions, and 3) seems to have elevated Tolle to some type of “high priest”.

If you haven’t read A New Earth DON’T! If you have read it then get busy reading the New Testament. You will need serious spiritual help immediately!

I am currently reading “Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis. So far it is proving to be a great counter point, counter balance and truth to follow up with!

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