Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Iraq Study Group

The political pundits are out pontificating.

The Iraq Study Group came out with their report this week. Immediately, the political machines came out with their criticisms; some even calling the report "stupid." For some, like the Washington Post, it wasn't enough to criticize the report they had to also make personal attacks on the front page on the Co-chairman, Baker and Hamilton.

As I see it, the one thing that they all are missing is THEIR solution to the Iraq war. With the exception of Senator McCain, from Arizona, none have come up with even a suggestion.

Clearly, the present course is not working and our President (I voted for him both times) is working pretty much with a closed mind. I am not convinced that waiting on the President's report from the Pentagon is a productive step.

The President and our Congressional representatives must get their act together and work together to come up with a solution other than the current course!

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