Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

New Ad: Did "Betray Us?" FIGHT BACK!

The following is from RightMarch.COM:
ALERT: This week, the radical left-wing group paid for a full-page ad in the New York Times attacking the character and leadership of General David Petraeus. The went so far as to accuse him of treason, by calling him General “Betray Us”:

“Today, before Congress and before the American people, General Petraeus is likely to become General Betray Us.”

Gen. Petraeus is an emblem of patriotism. He has willingly taken the mandate provided by the President of the United States and the U.S. Congress to serve his country in one of the most difficult missions in the world. Gen. Petraeus is admirably living up to an extremely complicated job of heading up a war effort in a dangerous region of the world. Legislators who voted unanimously to confirm Gen. Petraeus should live up to their duty to give this leader the resources and support that he needs to accomplish the mission entrusted to him.

Supporting Gen. Petraeus and U.S. troops includes condemning unwarranted attacks on the character of this good man -- something no national Democrat leader has been willing to do. The vicious attack on him, his commitment to the American people and the integrity with which he leads the Multi-National Force in Iraq ought to go down in history as a disgrace, and must be roundly repudiated from all quarters. It will be seen not only as a reprehensible criticism of Gen. Petraeus but, by extension, those who serve under him, all members of the United States Armed Forces. It is legitimate to ask tough questions of Gen. Petraeus on his testimony -- but NOT to question his patriotism -- OR the patriotism of every single member of the U.S. military.

View Our Ad Here:

According to the New York Post, “The New York Times dramatically slashed its normal rates” for the ad, from $181,692 all the way down to $65,000 -- "a reduction of more than $116,000 from the stated rate.” Of course, when conservative groups like the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth or National Right to Life ask to run ads… they’re refused, according to the American Spectator!

The Politico reported that one anonymous Democratic Senator said, “No one wants to call [Petraeus] a liar on national TV. The expectation is that the outside groups will do this for us.” It’s obvious that’s malicious assault on the honor of the commanding General of Coalition forces speaks for at least some Congressmen.

Do we just let them get away with this vicious attack? WE SAY NO.

WE MUST FIGHT BACK! Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) and Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) have introduced resolutions condemning’s actions, but the Democrats in charge of Congress are BLOCKING those bills from even being voted on. We need to let our Representatives and Senators know that we won’t put up with these despicable partisan attacks any longer…

And we've got a GREAT way to do that!

TAKE ACTION: The leaders of communicate on a near daily basis with senior Democratic members on Capitol Hill. This radical left-wing organization made it clear after the last presidential election that it now controls the Democratic Party. In 2004, they wrote in an email to their members:

“Now it's our party. We bought it. We own it. And we're going to take it back.”

It must be true -- not one single Democrat leader has condemned for their outrageous actions!

There should be a full and honest debate on the war on terror. Americans can have that debate because the brave men and women in our military have fought and died to defend that right over the years. But hateful, personal attacks that call our military leaders traitors should be condemned.

It’s true that they have the right to spew their spiteful, anti-American venom, in the New York Times or anywhere; this is America, and they have free speech (which our military has insured). But that doesn’t mean we have to sit quietly by and do nothing in response!


To make YOUR voice hear LOUD AND CLEAR, we’re going to run a nationwide, full-page ad CONDEMNING the recent personal attacks on the integrity of General David Petraeus and the forces he leads, and calling on REAL Americans to contact Congress and DEMAND they condemn MoveOn’s actions! These Congressmen need to hear from us NOW, before the Democrats are able to block pending resolutions of condemnation from ever seeing the light of day!

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