Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Friday, December 28, 2007

Flip flop

Nol, it isn't Hillary doing another flip flop, it's me.

I have removed the Huckabee logo from my blog, thus I am dropping my support for him. Although I still believe in his stand on most issues, particularly, right to life and the defense of Israel I know longer believe he is the best person to be our next president.

I am shifting my support back to John McCain. Senator McCain had my support in 2000 because I felt he was the best person for the job. Although I do not agree with his stand on the immigration issue I believe he is what this country needs for at least the next four years, if not eight.

After the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Bhutto yesterday I came to realize that the war on radical Fascist Islamists is and must remain the focus of this country. I believe that Senator McCain is the only candidate with the experience, skills and courage to lead this country in this war.

I also see Senator McCain as the one to negotiate with Congress and get us out of the Congressional quagmire we have been in for the past year. He can be strong yet is not afraid of compromise. Even though I disagree with his stand on immigration I have to give him credit for standing up for what he believes when so many were opposed.

He has received many endorsements but the one endorsement that impresses me is Senator Joseph Lieberman's. When McCain wins the Republican nomination I hope he chooses Senator Lieberman as his running mate for Vice President. Just imagine what a team they will be... a true Republican compassionate conservative and an Independent Democrat that sure acts like a compassionate conservative.

I am supporting McCain for President as long as he is in the race!

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