Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Friday, December 21, 2007

Israeli officials: Russia doesn't want nuclear Iran

From the Jerusalem Post.


Despite Russia's first shipment of nuclear fuel to Bushehr on Monday, Moscow has no interest in seeing Iran gain an independent nuclear capability, senior Israeli diplomatic officials said Thursday.

According to the officials, the Russians genuinely believe that safeguards will be in place to keep Iran from using the reactor or the nuclear fuel for a weapons program.

"The Russians are not naive," one of the officials said, and in the final analysis want to keep neighboring Iran from gaining a nuclear weapon. At the same time, he said, there is a very wide gap between the Russia assessment of how far along Teheran is in its nuclear development, and Israel's assessment. (Full article.)

Without a doubt the Russians are not naive. But, are they trustworthy? I believe Putin has proven himself the past several months as not trustworthy. If his intentions were reliable he would not be setting himself up to become the next Czar of Russia. Israel, as well as the U.S., should not believe this propaganda and should continue to seek sanctions against Iran through the United Nations, even though the United Nations is no more trustworthy than Russia and Putin.

Pray for peace for Israel and a untied Jerusalem under Israel!

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