Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Thursday, December 18, 2008

"Silent Night"

I have posted this story before, Christmas in the Trenches, during the Advent season but this is a little different version (and shorter) than before. This version is from my daily devotional for today. It is from "Hope for Each Day: Words of Wisdom and Faith" from Billy Graham:

Perfect Peace

During the First World War, on Christmas Eve, the battlefield was strangely quiet. As the soft snow fell, the thoughts of the your men were of home and their families.

Softly one lad began to hum "Silent Night." Others took up the chorus until the trenches resounded with the Christmas song. When they finished they were astonished to hear the song echoing from the trenches across no-man's-land: In their own tongue the other soldiers also sang "Silent Night." That night they were thinking of The Prince of Peace, the Christ of Christmas.

How different this world would be if we could unite together around the "Holy Infant so tender and mild." Earth can be as Heaven with Christ. Discord can be as peace when Christ in near. Midnight gloom can be transformed into noonday brightness when He abides with us.

Full peace will come only when Christ returns. But until that day we can know His peace in our hearts and can be messengers of this peace in the world, as we commit our lives to him.

This is such a powerful story for us. It always moves me to know what humans are capable of when the desire is present.

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