Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Obama the Bomb

And I am not using "bomb" in the Randy Jackson manner! But, in the old manner... as he is a DUD!

The British Prime Minister was in the US to meet with Barry Obama. The PM presented Barry with a pen holder made of the wood from a British ship that was instrumental in defeating slavery. Awesome, huh? In return, Barry presented the PM with 25 movie CDs. Now wasn't that impressive? The British press excused the gesture by saying that Barry was exhausted by work on the economy he had been doing. Give me a break... if he is exhausted it is because he has been trying to spend all of our money.

Yesterday, Barry signed an executive order lifting the Bush ban on using taxpayer money for embryonic stem cell research. In other words, this is the first step he has taken to allow the murder of babies on a national scale. We all know from campaign days that he is an abortionist with no regard to murdering babies. Embryonic stem cells have never cured any disease!

About abortionists... Barry has appointed an abortionist to head up the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). If confirmed by the Senate, Kathleen Sebelius, will resign as Kansas Governor. One of the good things about this appointment is that she will be out of the Kansas Governor's office. Both Kansas Republican Senators have endorsed the appointment and have stated that they will vote for her confirmation. I am greatly disappointed by both their decisions, especially Sam Brownback's. He has publicly stated his opposition to abortion but apparently getting Sebelius out of the governor's office is more important than his morals.

Also, yesterday Barry announced his expectations for education. At least on the surface I agree with some of his stance. He has said that educators must be held accountable for the quality of the education they are providing. The union immediately stated that they were opposed to the initiative because it would cause teachers to have to compete against one another. DUH! They should have to compete! In the real world, if you don't do your job someone else is going to come along and take your job. We have all experienced teachers that weren't into teaching but it was a job.

Missouri junior senator, Claire McCaskill, continues to be a disappointment. She has got her nose so far us Barry's politics that it appears she has forgotten whom she is supposed to be representing. She seems to be at every Barry press conference or announcement. Apparently, she has nothing going on in the Senate that she needs to take care of for the constituents in Missouri.

We have all heard Barry's stand on "earmarks" both during the campaign and since election. Unfortunately, it was another lie. The stimulus bill was porked up with earmarks that he continues to deny. He denies the pork because he claims stimulus is all about pork. Now, Congress has passed the omnibus spending bill with 9,000 earmarks; about half Democratic and half Republican (count, not dollars). Barry has said he will sign this bill because it is last years business. What does that have to do with it? He is beginning to sound more like New York Senator Charles Shumer when he said the American public doesn't care about pork. Give me a break!

Last night I saw an interview with the Wichita Falls, TX man who wrote the letter to the IRS that has been circulating the Internet basically asking for the same consideration paying taxes as was granted to Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner (over the IRS), former Senator Tom Daschle, New York Congressman Charles Rangel, others considered for positions in the Obama administration and some democratic Senators and Representatives.

I liked the letter because it definitely expressed my feeling and now, from last nights interview it has proven to be liked by a lot more people than me. If you haven't read the letter or email, I have posted it below:

Dear IRS,

I am sorry to inform you that I will not be able to pay taxes owed April 15, but all is not lost.

I have paid these taxes: accounts receivable tax, building permit tax, CDL tax, cigarette tax, corporate income tax, dog license tax, federal income tax, unemployment tax, gasoline tax, hunting license tax, fishing license tax, waterfowl stamp tax, inheritance tax, inventory tax, liquor tax, luxury tax, Medicare tax, city, school and county property tax (up 33 percent last 4 years), real estate tax, social security tax, road usage tax, toll road tax, state and city sales tax, recreational vehicle tax, state franchise tax, state unemployment tax, telephone federal excise tax, telephone federal state and local surcharge tax, telephone minimum usage surcharge tax, telephone state and local tax, utility tax, vehicle license registration tax, capitol gains tax, lease severance tax, oil and gas assessment tax, Colorado property tax, Texas, Colorado, Wyoming, Oklahoma and New Mexico sales tax, and many more that I can’t recall but I have run out of space and money.

When you do not receive my check April 15, just know that it is an honest mistake. Please treat me the same way you treated Congressmen Charles Rangel, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank and ex-Congressman Tom Daschle and, of course, your boss Timothy Geithner. No penalties and no interest.

P.S. I will make at least a partial payment as soon as I get my stimulus check.

Ed B

Wichita Falls

Stay tuned, I know I have more opinions regarding moves by Barry, his administration and political advisors. Almost every day Barry provides some decision or lie that provokes.

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