Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Friday, June 12, 2009

Guest blog 6.12.2009

The following was passed to me by one of my email friends. The author of it has requested to remain anonymous:

Is this Proof Enough?

Freedom for the individual has to be kept and maintained by each individual in every generation.  It is not passed on in the DNA, bequeathed in a will or bought with money.  Our freedom was originally paid for in blood and millions have paid that price since then and a few of the many American citizens are paying the price today while most Americans shirk their responsibility as citizens to keep themselves informed as to what is happening in the country and the world so thy can make an informed vote and most do not even vote.  To serve the country in the military does not even cross the mind of most of them.

They are to busy watching and following some sport, soap opera, trashy TV or movies or American Idol.  Most of the younger generation today can tell you who is on American Idol but cannot tell you who James Madison, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson or Ben Franklin or what parts they played in the founding of our country.  How many have read the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution or any of the Federalists Papers.  How many of you even know what the Federalists Papers are.  If you know the Constitution than you know how far we are from operating by it in America and just how much of a leap we have made away from it and into socialism and fascism in only the last four months.  If you do not know the Constitution, than unless you decide to suddenly get involved in trying to save our freedoms, you will remain in ignorant bliss until the day it becomes obvious even to you that you no longer have any freedoms.

The beauty of our Constitution is that it states that our freedoms come from God, not man and because of that cannot be taken away by man unless we become so ignorant and uncaring of our rights and freedoms that we surrender them willingly.  As Ben Franklin put it, "anyone that surrenders their freedoms for security deserve neither".  Ben Franklin when asked by a citizen what kind of government they had created replied "a Republic if you can keep it".  How many of you know that our country was created as a Republic (and why) not a democratic society.

If you think that the Holocaust can never happen again, think again.  Can you say "the killing fields of Cambodia".  What happened there is exactly what was said would happen if we pulled out of South Vietnam  but was denied by all of the "Jane Fonda's" and her ilk.  George McGovern who was one of the front running cheerleaders for getting out of Vietnam even had the gall to say that we should send American troops into Cambodia to stop the massive killing when he and all of the other S. O. B.'s was the cause of the killings taking place in Cambodia.

If you think that another Cambodia cannot happen again, think again.  Right now there is a bunch of lunatics in Iran working like hell to get the nuclear weapons (they already have the missile delivery system) with one intent----to bring on world chaos that their religion says is necessary to bring back someone that went down a well thousands of years ago.

If your only source of news to stay informed is ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN, you are being informed of only what they want you to know, not all of the facts.  I suggest that you sample many sources and apply some sensible questioning of what you hear and read.