Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Lott - Feinstein

Senator Trent Lott (R-MS) figured out why the American public doesn't want the Comprehensive Immigration bill... "Congress sits on the hill and comes up with great bills and forgets to explain them." Yeah, right! Mr. Lott don't patronize the American people. The majority of Americans are intelligent; the majority of Americans can read; the majority of Americans call this bill "amnesty, unfair, expensive, another lie" and don't want this bill.

Unfortunately, Mr. Lott, you and many of your cohorts that have yet to figure out that you are supposed to be representing the American public, not illegal aliens. You, McCain, Kennedy, Brownback and many others will incur the wrath of the constituents at the next election if this bill passes and you vote for it!

The Fairness Doctrine is the requirement for equal time for opposing political view. Television and radio producers used to sit with stop watches so they would know how much time to give the political opposition. The FCC decided with the great number of radio and television station owners and with the advent of the Internet opposition could be heard so the doctrine was not longer needed.

Now, Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) wants to bring the Fairness Doctrine back. She has something to say but no one wants to hear it. There are so few people who want to hear what she has to say that talk radio and opinion television would have to cancel money making programs.

The best thing Senator Feinstein could do is go back to California and help Mr. Feinstein with all those government contracts she helped him acquire.

Here are two (2) more reasons why I keep repeating...

Don't re-elect incumbents!

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