Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Monday, June 30, 2008

Obama mistakes

As the presidential campaigns advance Obama is making more and more mistakes.

Several days ago McCain came out in support of drilling more in the Gulf to ease gasoline prices. Obama said his statement was just a trick to mislead voters; that drilling more wouldn't affect gasoline prices for a least five years.

Obviously, Obama doesn't believe in forward thinking! Apparently, he feels that we should worry about five years down the road until it gets here. What will gasoline prices be in five years if he is elected President?

Former General Wesley Clark, who has endorsed Obama, came out questioning McCain's qualifications to be president. He doesn't feel that being shot down over Vietnam is a qualification. Well, neither do I. But what he went through and did while captive qualifies him as a National Hero and his years of service in the Senate qualify him as much as anyone... which is more than Clark has done. He couldn't even get his campaign off the ground.

Obama's mistake? He hasn't disavowed Clark's endorsement! If Obama means no one should question McCain's patriotism then Obama should not just distance himself from Clark he should denounce and disavow Clark.

It's time for Wesley Clark to take his retirement seriously and retire to private life and close his public mouth!

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