Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Friday, February 6, 2009

Searching for Mickey and Shamu, day 3

Today, magical at the Magical Kingdom. We found Mickey Mouse and Minnie, Chip and Dale, Pluto, Ariel, the Fairy God Mother and her two mice, the Princess, Cinderella and I can't remember who else.

We rode so many rides including the Haunted House, Dumbo, Peter Pan and of course, It's a Small World.

Reilee was such a good girl and enjoyed everything. She wanted to ride just a couple of the rides more than once but didn't. She spent a lot of time with her Daddy on the rides. He took lots of time explaining what was going on or what was going to happen because he still remembered so much from our last trip here. It was good to see and remember how much he enjoyed the trips we made when he was growing up.

Connor had a good time, too. One could see all the sensory stimulation he was getting. All of the music, lights and activity simply fascinated him. He showed lots of interest in Rikki Tikki with the animated birds singing. I was surprised at his level of excitement.

We capped off the day with a wonderful dinner that Cheryl had arranged for a surprise for Reilee on the second floor of the castle. It was hosted by Cinderella and entertainment was provided by the Fairy God Mother and her two mice. It was actually an excellent dinner and I would recommend it for everyone, with or without children.

We got back to the hotel about 9:30 p.m. so we spent about 12 hours in the Magic Kingdom today. We all weathered the day in good spirits, behavior and satisfied we did all we could in one day with a one year old and a five year old, 2 twenty-somethings, a wonderful Grandma (whose age shall not be given, but was one of the youngest Grandmas on location) that was so thoughtful to provide such a wonderful trip and one Papa tagging along on his little scooter.

For this Papa this has been a day that I have looked forward to and prayed that I would live long enough to see and enjoy. I am thankful that Cheryl provided this experience for all of us and that my Lord Jesus has allowed me to live long enough to have these memories for the rest of my life.

God is good and great!

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