Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Health update 07.08.2009

It has been 5 years, today, since my diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma. By the way, today is also my Mom's birthday... Happy Birthday, Mom!

Considering the anniversary I guess it was an appropriate way to spend most of the day. I reported to Kansas City Cancer Center at 12:30 for blood tests. At 1:00 I met with the nurse practitioner to get the results of the blood tests. At 1:30 I reported to the treatment room. At 2:00 the nurse started my two hour IV of Aredia to strengthen my bones.

It was kind of a mixed bag today. My blood counts were good enough to get the treatment for my bones but not good enough to start my next cycle of cancer medication (Revlimid) tomorrow. My absolute neutrophils (basically my immunities) were too low. I was at 1.1 and in order to take the Revlimid it has to be at least 1.5.

I will have to go back next week for more blood tests and they will determine if I can start the Revlimid cycle next week. They suspect that my magnesium and potassium are low so they will be checking those, too