Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Friday, July 3, 2009


The following was sent to me, today, by a friend in Woodward, Oklahoma, where I grew up. Woodward currently has a population of approximately 18,000. One newspaper describes the town as having more cattle than people, which may be true. I thought this email appropriate at this time, especially the first paragraph. She has requested her name be withheld.

Last night we did go to Liberal, KS where a church up there had a program honoring our military men. It was the most awesome thing I've ever seen...really. I think I cried at least five times. They didn't do anything spiritual but strictly had the theme of our flag. They had men present in uniform with their flag to honor each branch of our military. The choir was totally awesome. The men wore a black tux and the women worse red flowing skirts with sequin over blouses. There were representatives in uniform there for the American Legion and they did a little thing about a young man from their town who was killed in Iraq in 2006. Then they folded a flag while wearing white gloves and presented it to the mother and dad. Very moving! They also did a scene where men posed with a flag like they did at Iwo Jima. Then immediately while they were still posed, the flood lights switched to a scene of men that was exactly like the firemen as they put up the flag in New York after 9/11. Again, many in tears. They had the cutest little kids singing patriotic songs. They had everything memorized and I'll be the youngest boy wasn't more than four years old and he knew every sing word. I could go on and on but it really was simply beautiful and so moving. At the end of it a huge flag dropped from the ceiling that was the size of a stage curtain. Everyone sang the Nation Anthem and they closed in prayer. There were people there from several different towns as I guess they have done it for several years now. They even brought in bus loads. We had six of our people go ahead of time and hold seating for us. I couldn't help but think when we were in LA waiting for the plane recently. I walked up to two soldiers and thanked them for serving. They smiled and I know they appreciated it.  

Our traffic is unreal. They figure there are 30,000 extra people in town for the speech tomorrow night [July 4th] which is to be given by President Bush. Laura is with him. They are asking people to open up their homes and rent rooms to people. One guy who has a dumpy place by the park is cleaning it up, PTL, and renting parking places for $5.00. You couldn't pay me to go to that. It is 102 right now and in the sun, well, I cannot tell you how it feels. Plus the arena where he is speaking is only partially covered and those seats are like $500.00 each. No, we won't be going. We are instead going to Melvin's 90th birthday party at Fay's and Wanda's.  Can taste the steaks already!  :)

Well, I guess that is enough for now.  Sorry this got so long. 

Have a HAPPY 4TH.

