Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Global Warming

The following is from a friend/relative. It is posted with his permission.

OK, I have had all a person can take! One can only sit back just so long and keep their mouth shut. Here it is Al Gore, Shaddup!!!!

Every time you open your yap about global warming we have another week long cold snap here in Michigan.. Perhaps God is trying to tell us something!! How about the fact that the earth has been getting warmer for the last 10 thousand years. Remember the ICE AGE? That was when the earth was unusually cold for a period of time. Since that time it has slowly been warming up. Mankind hasn't had a single thing to do with it. In fact, the scientists aren't sure what caused it all. There is even evidence that before the ice age the whole earth was tropical. How many species do you suppose went extinct through that process?

Now you want to say that if the planet gets warmer that it will cause mass extinction. I highly doubt it. More likely all the nuclear bomb tests over the last half a century have affected our environment much more substantially than anything else. Why aren't we being told that the North polar ice cap is melting because there is an undersea volcano erupting and causing it? That is right, it has nothing to do with burning fossil fuels. And the hole in the ozone over the South pole is also being caused by a volcano. And we have only been watching this phenomena for a couple of decades. We have no idea what this looked like even 50 years ago, so how can we say it is getting worse. All of this is nothing but scare tactics to make us think we need somebody really important to step up to the plate and save us all.

Al Gore if you even give a hoot about the environment then why don't you quit flying around the world and polluting everything? And why do you live in a huge mansion that costs $30 grand a year in utilities? Perhaps you should put your mouth where your money is!! Or maybe that is what you are doing. You must have made a fortune from your book about the environment. Well this is one person that isn't being duped. So why don't you go back to your Tennessee Mansion and live off your government stipend and find something constructive to do with your life??



Macomb, MI

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