Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Monday, April 2, 2007

President Pelosi

Oh, I mean Speaker Pelosi is off on spring break playing footsie with the President/Dictator of Syria, a known terrorist state.

Sense when did the Speaker of the House set policy for the country?

Why is she spending taxpayer dollars on a trip to see a terrorist?

If the House of Representatives are serving the American people they will immediately censure her for this act of betrayal... betrayal of the American people, betrayal of the American troops in Iraq and Afganistan and betrayal of everything this country stands for.

Speaker Pelosi, there may "be a new Congress in town" but that doesn't give you the right to usurp the policies of the United States.

Why aren't you in DC cutting $20 billion of pork spending out the troop support bill? $20 billion that was added as bribes to get the bill passed!

Don't re-elect incumbents!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anna Dawson said...
I sure don't consider myself politically on the ball or even conscious, but I do know that woman's insane. There's something about claiming to be a faithful, child-loving, devout Catholic and pro-abortion just doesn't mesh. Anytime a person uses a Church for political reasons or name-dropping but can't validly claim any of its tenets, something fishy's going on. Maybe she'll lose her passport and get stuck over there. We can throw a party.

4/06/2007 6:57 PM