Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Monday, February 25, 2008

fun with the democrats

For the past seven (7) years we have heard the democratic party leadership complain and tell us that George Bush stole the 2000 election from Al Gore. Granted it was extremely close in Florida (about 500 votes) but Al Gore lost... no one stole it from him. Now that Ralph Nader has thrown his hit it the ring, again, all those pundits are now saying if he hadn't been in the 2000 race Gore would have won. What it amounts to is Gore lost and the democratic pundits have to blame something or someone!

Howard Dean, democratic party chairman, is insisting that he Federal Election Commission now allow McCain to withdraw from public financing of his campaign. Today, the party apparently has decided to file a complaint with the FEC. Unfortunately, the FEC will have difficulty addressing the issue because four (4) of the six (6) commission seats are vacant because the democratically controlled Senate has held up votes on the nominees. How ironic!

Another ironic thing about this situations is Howard Dean withdrew from public financing of his campaign in 2003. Of course, like most democratic politicians, his circumstances were different.

I still think Dean and the democratic leadership needs to be concentrating on how they are going to enforce the rules pertaining to delegates in Florida and Michigan not being seated at the convention. The Clintons are going to push and fight for their seating as hard as possible and are not above anything to get their way. The party should not back down from the rule!

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