Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

today's potpourri


One of my favorite churches and pastors is Elevation Church and Steven Furtick. I've written about this church and pastor before but Sunday was the Church's Second Anniversary. Steven Furtick is the founder and lead pastor of the church. It has grown from the eight original families to attendance of 4,000 people at two campuses.

Why do I like this church and pastor? Pastor Furtick is one of the most excited, energetic, enthusiastic and charismatic followers of Christ that I have ever seen or heard. Every week I either watch Pastor Furtick via Internet or listen to the Podcast.

Take a few minutes and visit the Church web site or Pastor Furtick's blog. Take less than an hour and listen to a sermon.

Democratic Campaign

What a race and I'm not even a Democrat! It appears to me that Obama is trouncing Hillary. What's better, it appears that Hillary knows it and is beginning to run scared. Obviously, the money has started drying up a little and Bill spent too much time on the road "attacking." Most people don't like the attacks and are turned off by them. Now, she is taking up the call of attacks toward Obama. To me that is a sign of desperation.

As I have said in a prior post the "attack" on Chelsea was okay with me. Chelsea should expect these attacks if she is going to hit the campaign trail for her mother. Hillary has complained that NBC/MCNBC has treated her unfairly and demanded changes... isn't that just like her. She wants to be President of the greatest country on earth but she needs some special treatment. It's the "oh, woe is me" syndrome. Think that will work with Iran, North Korea, China or radical fascist Islamists? I can just hear her telling Ahmadinejad, "You're being mean to me, you need to be nice to me." Yeah, right!

Republican Campaign

Washington State party chairman has taken it upon himself to declare Senator McCain the winner of their caucus this past weekend. Unfortunately, he has done this without counting all the votes. McCain was approximately 200 votes ahead of Huckabee but there was 1,500 votes left to count. This sounds, to me, to be Nixon tactics and back smoke filled room nomination. The RNC should be forcing a recount and removing this state chairman from office.

Conservative talk show hosts and pundits tried to force Romney down our throats as the "only true conservative" and that is what turned me off to him. Most of these people repeatedly said they would not endorse a candidate and would support the Republican nominee. What they really meant is they would not endorse a candidate but would support only Romney as the nominee. I feel they weren't true to their word and still don't understand all the criticism of them.

Some of the political pundits and "conservative" leaders are saying that if McCain wins the nomination they will sit at home and not vote. Good for them! That shows an excellent example of our American citizenship duty. I was always told if you don't vote you don't have the right to criticize. As for me, any of them I hear that don't vote won't get me ear anymore. People like Ann Coulter can't survive if true voting citizens don't listen to them. I find it hard to believe that any of these conservative pundits would actually follow through and not vote.

Huckabee says he is in it till the delegate count is reached by either he or McCain. "Mathematically" Huckabee can't get the number of delegates he needs to be the nominee. He says he doesn't know about the math but he believes in miracles. In this case, a miracle would be for McCain to make a major faux pas, probably in a speech. That would surprise me since he speaks so slowly and thoughtfully.

In my opinion, Huckabee is the only "true conservative" left in the race. I agree with virtually all of his positions on the issues but he scares me regarding taxes. I'm not sure if he would resist raising taxes. But, on the other had I disagree with McCain on virtually all issues except the war on radical Islamic fascists.

I guess what it boils down to is I'm flipping back to supporting Huckabee even though he probably can't win the nomination. Maybe a miracle will happen!

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