Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Monday, May 28, 2007

Rosie... One Last Time

After the big feud I never did hear Rosie's explanation regarding what she said and got all over Elisabeth for not defending her. As I remember she something to the effect of "655,000 innocent Iraqi's have died, now who are the terrorists?" I really thought she was calling the United States and our troops terrorist! If she wasn't she really should have explained what she meant rather than ragging on Elisabeth to defend her.

She has been on virtually every news cast since the incident with a new blog statement so she has had plenty of exposure to explain herself. Maybe Elisabeth really didn't know what she was trying to say?

Oh well, it's no big loss. She just left a few weeks earlier than originally planned. It will be interesting to hear what ABC finds out about who vandalized the pictures of Elisabeth. It seems that when Rosie quits bad things follow her. Remember she was sued by the publishers of her magazine after she lost her original talk show.

I really enjoy the view. Especially, listening to women express their view points. Unfortunately, Rosie didn't allow anyone to talk if they didn't agree with her viewpoint. She was excellent as talking over the over co-hosts. Most of the time she acted like she was the "host" not a co-host or moderator. Maybe ABC, Barbara and Bill will do a better job picking the next moderator. They really need to get some minority women back in the group.

By the way... Don't re-elect incumbents!

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