Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

No Gas May 15th

It's going around the Internet to not buy gasoline on May 15 to protest the price. It's a great idea but it won't work. Too many people will buy gas, buy it on the day before or the day after May 15.

We should be putting pressure on our Congressional representatives to act! This is a Democratic controlled Congress... why haven't they tackled this issue. The Democrats are supposedly so in touch with what Americans want and think, why aren't they acting on this issue that affects virtually all Americans. Because they are too busy sticking "pork" in war funding bills in order to buy the needed votes to get the bill passed. They are more concerned with the "pork" than our servicemen and women.

We should be putting pressure on all the Presidential candidates. I haven't heard one talk about this issue... Democrat or Republican. They are all out of touch with the American public. Anyone attending a candidate rally should be asking the question of the candidate, "What are you going to do about gasoline prices?" Any candidate that hasn't announced their position on gasoline prices should not receive campaign contributions. That would start getting attention!!

Don't re-elect incumbents!

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