Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Monday, October 6, 2008

Obama Youth

This is one of the scariest things I have seen in a long time. If this isn't reminiscent of Hitler Youth I don't know what is! Ask a person that survived the Holocaust if this isn't how it all started. There are more than three dozen videos on like this. Many of those videos are no longer allowed to be embedded... you can only see them on You can do a YouTube search for "Obama kids" and see all of them.

Maybe this is the ramblings of a dying old man but, I have little doubt anymore that this man is dangerous and evil. There have been many rumors about this man since he started his campaign for president, of which, he or his campaign has taken the time to deny. They even established a web site to "officially" dispel the rumors.

For months conservative talk radio has been going on about Obama's relationship with a man named Bill Ayers. Ayers is an admitted terrorist that planned to bomb the Capitol building and the Pentagon and was actually caught preparing a bomb that was to be delivered to a Ft. Dix dance. Although Ayers and his wife admitted to these and other crimes he was never prosecuted because of errors made by the prosecutor and the police.

Liberal main stream media has not covered nor asked questions about this relationship. However, Fox News and at least one New York newspaper are now asking questions and exposing this relationship for the American public to know about.

We also know about his relationship with his former pastor Wright. When Bill Clinton was interviewed and asked about this relationship the former President responded that we didn't need to talk about that any more because Obama was no longer a member of the church. Membership in the church was never the question - it was the relationship with Wright that has always been the question. This man obviously does not like America and Obama has admitted that Wright is his mentor, that he led him to Christ, he married him, and baptized his children. He also said he could never disown Reverend Wright. Once again, the liberal media is avoiding this issue and only conservative talk radio is continuing to bring this to light.

There have been rumors of Obama being Muslim which have repeatedly been denied. He may not be Muslim, but I believe that if he isn't Muslim he certainly has some loyalties leaning toward Muslim. It doesn't take a lot of research to determine than Islamic countries feel they have a friend and sympathizer in Obama and are openly supporting his election.

One of McCain's ads asks the question "Who is Barack Obama?" We certainly don't know who this man is. We know he wants to change American, but he has never said what most of those changes are. From the little he has disclosed we know that he is a socialist and wants to "change" America into a socialist state. He and the liberal media say he wants to cut taxes and his tax cuts would be more than McCain's. But they don't take into consideration that he also wants to eliminate the "Bush tax cuts." Apparently, many people, and the media, don't understand that this is a tax increase.

I believe this man is dangerous and evil. If elected, he will surpass Jimmy Carter as the worst President this country has ever experienced. In recent days there has been emails suggesting he may be The Anti-Christ. I do not believe, not have I seen evidence that this could be true, but I have no doubt that he is evil and if elected we will regret the day and every day that he is in office.

Please, get out and vote and even if you don't support McCain, campaign against Obama.

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