Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Jesse is at it again

It's time for Jesse to step back and retire from public life. He has fast become a liability to the equal rights agenda. He and Sharpton are really good at condemning others but not looking in their own closets. Sharpton called for crucifying Imus for his comment; I would think he would do at least the same with Jackson over this slur.


By: Mark Memmott and Jill Lawrence

Sharpton 'very disappointed' in Jackson's use of the 'N-word'

"I'm very disappointed," Rev. Al Sharpton said today about the news that Rev. Jesse Jackson used the "N-word" during the same off-camera moment recently in which Jackson uttered a crude remark about Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama.

The racial epithet was not directed at Obama. Jackson used it to refer to African-Americans, according to the website TVNewser. Jackson, who previously apologized for the comment he made about wanting to cut off Obama's testicles, apologized again Wednesday after TVNewser broke the news about what else he said.

Sharpton said it is "disheartening" to learn about Jackson's use of the N-word.

"I have said, and many of those in other groups, NAACP and others, that we've all used it in the past and we've got to stop it as we challenge this nation," Sharpton added on CBS News' The Early Show this morning. "You can't challenge others without challenging ourselves. So this is disheartening, and I still hold Reverend Jackson in high esteem. But I certainly do not at all condone the use of the word." The Early Show's report is here:

Fox News Channel last night confirmed the news about what Jackson said, but did not release the video or a transcript of it. Jackson made the comments in front of a live microphone during a break when he was taping an interview for Fox.

FNC's Bill O'Reilly said Wednesday that the network didn't report on Jackson's use of the racial epithet previously because "I'm not in the business of hurting Jesse Jackson -- because it does hurt Jesse Jackson -- and I'm not in the business of creating some kind of controversy that's not relevant to the general subject: one civil rights leader disparaging another over policy. So we held it back. Some weasel leaked it to the Internet."

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