Faith, Politics and Other Stuff

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Ps 34:4

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Obama isn't a flip flopper

A flip flopper believes in only one side. Obama believes in two sides at the same time:

  • He is for a united Jerusalem... and he is for a divided Jerusalem;
  • He is for the DC hand gun ban... until the Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional and he is against the ban;
  • He is for public campaign funds... and he is against public campaign funds (he committed to public funds then changed his mind);
  • He supports our troops in Iraq... but won't shake their hands or visit them in the hospital without his publicity machine;
  • He loves the United States... but clearly associates with those who don't (Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayres, Father Flager, etc.);
  • He was the first Presidential candidate to endorse NAFTA... in Ohio and Texas he was opposed to NAFTA;
  • He criticizes The Administration's Energy Policy... but he voted for the 2005 Bush-Cheney Energy Bill;
  • He said he would debate "Anywhere, Anytime"... but continues to reject joint town hall meetings;
  • He is concerned about gasoline prices... but tells us to get ready for $12/gallon gasoline.

Who is this man? He clearly hasn't decided his position on most issues or changes his position with the polls. It is really scary to think so many people can't see his multiple positions on virtually all issues except one. He IS going to raise taxes! If elected to the presidency he will rival Jimmy Carter!

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